OK, before I go too far here, I don't want anyone to believe I am supporting any point of view in this thread. I am merely sharing a personal observation.
I've been desperate enough to frequent Gab Social and despite blocking the Neo-Nazis and White Power types in an attempt to get only quality input, I still get exposed to some ultra-rightwing propaganda that I find disturbing. I view such posts with great suspicion because this seems to support the left's contention that Trump is an evil dictator akin to Adolf Hitler who is supported by mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, white supremacists.
While dodging and ignoring all the antisemitic, white-power, and Neo-Nazi crap so prolific on Gab Social, I can confidently state that some posts and memes portray Donald Trump as a Christ-like savior worthy of a giant monument or cathedral. Based on likes for such posts, it has me wondering a couple of things,
"How many people actually believe Donald Trump has some divine authority?"
"Does the "Ultra-MAGA" blind follower characterization of Trump supporters as portrayed by the left have any validity?"
There are specific answers to be sure, but I tend to believe that nothing is entirely black or white and will except percentages, probabilities and personal opinion as an answer.
The U.S. Department of Justice has the following figures for the estimated number of skinheads based on counts at rallies. I found they have English-speaking countries with a meager population of around 5,500 total.
Other "polls" indicate a far larger population right here in the good old U S of A, at least back in 2017.
Well, then, that 9 % is a bit over blown in my opinion, but maybe there are a whole lot of skinhead and Neo-Nazi sympathizers in the U.S., more than enough to flood Gab Social I suppose. Not if we go with the government figures though, it has to be much smaller, esp. if only half that number are hardcore activists.
Gab has an estimated 100,000 active users and a total of 5 million (as of 2022). 9 % of 100,000 users equals 9,000 skinheads and Neo-Nazis, well above the Dept of Justice figure of 5,500 members in the major English-speaking countries.
Who do you believe? I think that there may be an army of AI bots inflating things on Gab, just not sure how to go about proving something like that. Something I haven't investigated is Truth Social and how that echo chamber is resounding with the heavenly chorus singing praises to the MAGA messiah.
I've been desperate enough to frequent Gab Social and despite blocking the Neo-Nazis and White Power types in an attempt to get only quality input, I still get exposed to some ultra-rightwing propaganda that I find disturbing. I view such posts with great suspicion because this seems to support the left's contention that Trump is an evil dictator akin to Adolf Hitler who is supported by mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, white supremacists.
While dodging and ignoring all the antisemitic, white-power, and Neo-Nazi crap so prolific on Gab Social, I can confidently state that some posts and memes portray Donald Trump as a Christ-like savior worthy of a giant monument or cathedral. Based on likes for such posts, it has me wondering a couple of things,
"How many people actually believe Donald Trump has some divine authority?"
"Does the "Ultra-MAGA" blind follower characterization of Trump supporters as portrayed by the left have any validity?"
There are specific answers to be sure, but I tend to believe that nothing is entirely black or white and will except percentages, probabilities and personal opinion as an answer.
The U.S. Department of Justice has the following figures for the estimated number of skinheads based on counts at rallies. I found they have English-speaking countries with a meager population of around 5,500 total.
Quote:70,000 youths worldwide, of whom half are hardcore activists (35,000) and the rest supporters.
United States 3,500
United Kingdom 1,500
Canada, at least 500
Total: 5,500 in English-speaking countries
Other "polls" indicate a far larger population right here in the good old U S of A, at least back in 2017.
Quote:22 million Americans support neo-Nazis, new poll indicates
Survey was conducted in the wake of deadly violence which ravaged Charlottesville
Nine per cent of Americans say holding neo-Nazi or white supremacist views is acceptable, according to a new poll.
The Washington Post ABC poll was carried out in the wake of the deadly racially-charged violence which erupted at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville earlier this month. If extrapolated to the entire US population, nine per cent would equate to 22 million people.
Well, then, that 9 % is a bit over blown in my opinion, but maybe there are a whole lot of skinhead and Neo-Nazi sympathizers in the U.S., more than enough to flood Gab Social I suppose. Not if we go with the government figures though, it has to be much smaller, esp. if only half that number are hardcore activists.
Gab has an estimated 100,000 active users and a total of 5 million (as of 2022). 9 % of 100,000 users equals 9,000 skinheads and Neo-Nazis, well above the Dept of Justice figure of 5,500 members in the major English-speaking countries.
Who do you believe? I think that there may be an army of AI bots inflating things on Gab, just not sure how to go about proving something like that. Something I haven't investigated is Truth Social and how that echo chamber is resounding with the heavenly chorus singing praises to the MAGA messiah.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB