Somehow, after trying every name and email account I had used for ATS, I got back into my 2nd account. TheMichiganSwampBuck. I had to change my password, but I got back in.
The strange thing is, when I had ATS send me the new password, someone tried to get into that email account using the wrong password, so I had to wait and change my email password to get the new ATS password that was just sent.
IMO, it is some kind of scam when you try and get a new password.
The strange thing is, when I had ATS send me the new password, someone tried to get into that email account using the wrong password, so I had to wait and change my email password to get the new ATS password that was just sent.
IMO, it is some kind of scam when you try and get a new password.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB