(08-10-2023, 04:54 AM)Schmoe Wrote: I keep hearing about these large rings of pedophile networks, and I wonder, one, how these pieces of shit find each other and congregate, and two, why are there so many of these sick fucks?
Do these "people" really deserve due process? Not in my book. Broadcast the firing squad. Maybe it'll at least make some of them think twice.
I agree, I also struggle to get my head around the logistics of what these fiends do, when we're trained to believe
how the system works in regards of a country's internal and external security. How these networks communicate,
how they move in domestic everyday circles without tripping any average alarms from those who live around them
and how parents, adoption personnel, social-services, transport businesses and the many bureaucratic agencies fail
to to make this awful behaviour extinct.
They are 'sick fucks' and since they relinquish their rights to the powers that supposedly protect, punishment for
such organised abhorrent crime should also reside outside of those rights. Would a gallows made from sustainable
woodland be okay for the Eloi who always seem to feel sorry for these degenerates?!
Read The TV Guide, yer' don't need a TV.