(06-03-2023, 02:33 AM)Infolurker Wrote: This ONLY makes sense if they think they may not be able to cheat enough to win.
If Biden or Harris is running 30 points behind on election day, they will not be able to cheat enough in my opinion so they will pull the "fraudulent election" and try not to leave office.
That'll be an interesting time. I can hear the recriminations now - "When YOU stole an election, it was all fair. Why is it suddenly unfair now, now that WE'VE stolen the election?"
DeSantis has already pledged to use their own weapons against them, starting with "ballot harvesting" from the other side. I'm not sure that will matter so long as we allow them to do the vote counting with no oversight from us - wasn't it Stalin who said "I don't care who casts the votes, so long as I get to count them." or something like that?
We still have a couple of years to put vote verification measures in place, and to reset voting machine counting algorithms to an honest count, to keep 'em honest... if we will...