This is interesting despite of the whole woo factor thing.
Our dearly departed fearless leader expressed leanings this way and even my own mother conjectured similar thoughts.
I've even wondered sometimes if my transsexualism and the problems and pitfalls that go with it are a way of paying off a karmic debt accrued in a past life? I don't recall any past lives or anything and don't remember doing so as a very GNC child but I have had flashes of something pretty awful and traumatic from sometime in the 1920s but have always attributed them to a forgotten movie I watched or something I read.
Not into the whole afterlife/reincarnation thing.
Our dearly departed fearless leader expressed leanings this way and even my own mother conjectured similar thoughts.
I've even wondered sometimes if my transsexualism and the problems and pitfalls that go with it are a way of paying off a karmic debt accrued in a past life? I don't recall any past lives or anything and don't remember doing so as a very GNC child but I have had flashes of something pretty awful and traumatic from sometime in the 1920s but have always attributed them to a forgotten movie I watched or something I read.
Not into the whole afterlife/reincarnation thing.
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.