(05-01-2023, 09:11 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:(05-01-2023, 08:13 PM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: @NightskyeB4Dawn - I think you are part of a very rare club these days, on keeping the albatross paid off.
I only know from my parents that those hearing aids are $$$ - like astronomical cost!! At least the one's they paid for. I could of bought a small new car.
The cost for hearing aids is ridiculous. My mother is darn near 90 years old and she was really having trouble in her Bible study class, and it saddened her that she could not participate. But she was a hard sell. she kept saying she didn't want me to put out that kind of money for it to end up in a draw or in the ground.
She was convinced that the moment I paid the money she would kick the bucket. She finally agreed when I told her it was my Mother's Day gift, and I wanted to make sure she heard me tell her her I love her if she does start to kick the bucket.
Dental care and hearing aids are truly cost prohibitive to many working class Americans. It is a damn shame.
I had cracked & broken off a tooth about 2 years ago that I never had fixed. Wasn't causing me any discomfort. Then very recently I awoke one morning with my left cheek swollen & felt like the whole left side of my face was on fire! I looked like I was sucking on a golf ball.
Naturally, it occurred on a weekend and had to wait till Monday morning to visit the dentist. I was in so much pain I wanted to take my '45 and just end it. Luckily, I found an old Tylenol with codeine prescription bottle that still had half dozen pills which got me through to Monday. Damn bacteria had built up and was thriving in my lower left jawbone. I can't remember the last time if ever I was in that much pain.
I was going to just pay cash till I seen the bill. WTF!! Are you freaking kidding me! Fine, guess I won't eat for a few weeks. I let my dental insurance expire years ago. Guess I need to re-apply.
So, yea, Dental cost is insane and believe you are very correct that many working class folks simply cannot afford. Killing us slowly with much aggravated pain!
Oh, if anyone has any homebrew remedies for relieving toothache pain, I'm all ears. And no, I'm not that brave to take pliers and yank it out nor tie string to it and a door knob either. I did rinse often with warm water salt solution that sure seemed to have alleviated the pain.
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." – Thomas Sowell