Le Mans (1971): The Ultimate Racing Film Starring Steve McQueen
Film driver David Piper lost his leg because of a deep cut caused during a crash. Brake fluid and other debris got into the cut, which caused an infection and the need to amputate the leg. He received a special thanks "for his sacrifice" at the end credits. Tough break. Born in 1930, AFAIK he's still kickin on one leg.
Film driver David Piper lost his leg because of a deep cut caused during a crash. Brake fluid and other debris got into the cut, which caused an infection and the need to amputate the leg. He received a special thanks "for his sacrifice" at the end credits. Tough break. Born in 1930, AFAIK he's still kickin on one leg.
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." – Thomas Sowell