Wow. Those shoes really pinch when they're on the other foot, huh?
What his drama laden rant reveals is nothing new to the right-wingers. They lived through a couple of decades of that... but no one was ranting then, because the left wingers had it all sewn up. Now that speech has become more free than it was during those decades, the left is fully allowed to rant, a right not afforded to the right in those days, and they are making use of it.
Bully for them! That is exactly how it ought to be!
I will, however, warn the newly liberated left just as I have warned the right previously when the deck was stacked against the right - when you hear something, don't take it as gospel and run with it. Do your homework, because there are a lot of lies getting ramped up out there, as there always have been. Make sure you don't get caught in that trap by spreading bullshit just because "your side said it was so" - do your due diligence. Check it out before it spreads egg all over YOUR face when you spread bullshit.
As an example, a left-winger near and dear to me told me the other day all about how "they" - meaning Musk, I presume - are disassembling the government, creating anarchy, and taking funding away from folks who need it. "Really?" I said. "Is that really happening?" to which I got an emphatic affirmative. Then I said "So. Examples. Tell me how you've seen that affect in YOUR life. Where can I look around here and confirm those stories? I'm not saying they are not true, because I don't know. What I'm saying is that I've seen no evidence of it in our world... so which world do I need to look into?"
I got hung up on, but that's life.
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's just rain. Not even if you are near and dear to me.
Bad things happen. They really, really do. What worries me the most is that the next bad thing to come down the pike will get lost in the signal of all this hysterical bullshit getting spread around, and no one will see it until it hits us, because folks are all watching the wrong things. Don't get me wrong - it's hilarious to watch, but don't get caught up in it and lose sight of the real world, life on the ground upon which you stand. For all the hysteria and hype, bullshit and bluster, being slung around in the media, both "for" and "against", there has been not one single iota of change for either the better or the worse to trickle down to my neck of the woods. Everything is constant here - bad shit happens, and we get uniformly ignored by the government - ALL of the governments except the local one.
What about your neck of the woods?
What his drama laden rant reveals is nothing new to the right-wingers. They lived through a couple of decades of that... but no one was ranting then, because the left wingers had it all sewn up. Now that speech has become more free than it was during those decades, the left is fully allowed to rant, a right not afforded to the right in those days, and they are making use of it.
Bully for them! That is exactly how it ought to be!
I will, however, warn the newly liberated left just as I have warned the right previously when the deck was stacked against the right - when you hear something, don't take it as gospel and run with it. Do your homework, because there are a lot of lies getting ramped up out there, as there always have been. Make sure you don't get caught in that trap by spreading bullshit just because "your side said it was so" - do your due diligence. Check it out before it spreads egg all over YOUR face when you spread bullshit.
As an example, a left-winger near and dear to me told me the other day all about how "they" - meaning Musk, I presume - are disassembling the government, creating anarchy, and taking funding away from folks who need it. "Really?" I said. "Is that really happening?" to which I got an emphatic affirmative. Then I said "So. Examples. Tell me how you've seen that affect in YOUR life. Where can I look around here and confirm those stories? I'm not saying they are not true, because I don't know. What I'm saying is that I've seen no evidence of it in our world... so which world do I need to look into?"
I got hung up on, but that's life.
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's just rain. Not even if you are near and dear to me.
Bad things happen. They really, really do. What worries me the most is that the next bad thing to come down the pike will get lost in the signal of all this hysterical bullshit getting spread around, and no one will see it until it hits us, because folks are all watching the wrong things. Don't get me wrong - it's hilarious to watch, but don't get caught up in it and lose sight of the real world, life on the ground upon which you stand. For all the hysteria and hype, bullshit and bluster, being slung around in the media, both "for" and "against", there has been not one single iota of change for either the better or the worse to trickle down to my neck of the woods. Everything is constant here - bad shit happens, and we get uniformly ignored by the government - ALL of the governments except the local one.
What about your neck of the woods?