Jan 19, 1983: The Night of the Triangles over South Wales. Power outages were reported. Three separate witnesses reported strange effects, one in Newport and one in Swansea reported missing time and a Cardiff woman said she felt she was in a kind of bubble, separate from the world. A game of young rugby players in Llantwit Major was halted as a triangle flew over.
FOIA pages, videos and links to each report made regarding this case:
Terry Wogan & William Francis Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 8th Earl of Clancarty, on UFOs (1982)," Esoteric Matters Youtube channel. In hindsight this is a classic 3.5 minute BBC clip:
Quote:The evening of Wednesday 19th January 1983 started out much like any other cold winter evening in South Wales. Just after dark, people were heading home from work, making tea, watching TV. Some were heading to work, meeting friends, or walking the dog. Many children and teenagers were doing their paper rounds, hanging around on street corners, or walking with friends. Local football and rugby clubs were getting games or practice underway. Just a normal Wednesday evening in South Wales.
The weather was cold, it being mid-January, and the sky was starry with no wind. All was cold and clear. Then around 5.15 pm, the first sighting was made of large objects in the sky over Swansea - huge triangular-shaped craft.
Over the next few hours, hundreds of people at locations across South Wales from Newport in the east to Swansea and Milford Haven in the west. They reported that the craft, sometimes single, sometimes in twos and threes, were the size of jumbo jets, football fields, sometimes moving slowly just feet over rooftops and some were motionless. But all were completely silent.
Many witnesses were close to the objects, just yards away in some cases, and remarkably were seen at different places at the same time - showing that many craft were involved. One came so low behind one man that he had to jump into a roadside ditch as he thought a truck was approaching from behind, as he sensed its presence.
Power outages were reported. Three separate witnesses reported strange effects, one in Newport and one in Swansea reported missing time and a Cardiff woman said she felt she was in a kind of bubble, separate from the world. A game of young rugby players in Llantwit Major was halted as a triangle flew over. And in Cardiff, many pupils of a primary school (after school and separately) witnessed a huge triangle flying low over Whitchurch.
SUFON has and is making contact with many of the witnesses, conducting interviews by video and by phone, documenting press cuttings and testimonies of the witnesses. Freedom of Information requests are being made and on this page, we are presenting all our findings of what went on that night in 1983, the night we have named: The Night of the Triangles.
FOIA pages, videos and links to each report made regarding this case:
Quote:June Thomas, who saw two large triangular objects near Swansea's South Dock, rejected the meteor theory outright, stating, "What I saw wasn't a meteor. They were moving slowly and without sound." A picture June drew of her sighting was printed in the South Wales Evening Post on January 21.
How Hundreds Witnessed UFOs During South Wales' "Night Of The Triangles"
Terry Wogan & William Francis Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 8th Earl of Clancarty, on UFOs (1982)," Esoteric Matters Youtube channel. In hindsight this is a classic 3.5 minute BBC clip:
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." – Thomas Sowell