It is strange, not what I expected when it finally expires.
I haven't been able to sign in or make a new account for a long time now, so I lurked. There were enough people left to make it worth a check and read the comments, but since yesterday, nothing loads. No error page appears, nothing comes up. It is like it never existed. Today is the same, nothing loads at that address.
The sad part of all this for me is the articles and books I've been reading over the years that mention Above Top Secret. Right now I'm reading a paperback called "The Mammoth Book of Cover-ups" that goes over conspiracies from A-Z and there is research on ATS that is mentioned a couple times. I have another book like that with references to ATS, plus the online articles that refer to it. I know the Russians liked a lot of stuff on ATS, they even quoted yours truly on ATS.
For me, you filled the gap left by the X-Files when they went off the air. Then I honed my CT research skills by doing threads there. I will miss that board. Both Deny Ignorance and Discord aren't taking up the slack or filling the void. As slow as it can be here, there is more action then D.I. and even more elsewhere I go. The forum boards are slowly dying out it seems. I'm glad Parler is back, still no consolation for the loss of ATS.
I haven't been able to sign in or make a new account for a long time now, so I lurked. There were enough people left to make it worth a check and read the comments, but since yesterday, nothing loads. No error page appears, nothing comes up. It is like it never existed. Today is the same, nothing loads at that address.
The sad part of all this for me is the articles and books I've been reading over the years that mention Above Top Secret. Right now I'm reading a paperback called "The Mammoth Book of Cover-ups" that goes over conspiracies from A-Z and there is research on ATS that is mentioned a couple times. I have another book like that with references to ATS, plus the online articles that refer to it. I know the Russians liked a lot of stuff on ATS, they even quoted yours truly on ATS.
For me, you filled the gap left by the X-Files when they went off the air. Then I honed my CT research skills by doing threads there. I will miss that board. Both Deny Ignorance and Discord aren't taking up the slack or filling the void. As slow as it can be here, there is more action then D.I. and even more elsewhere I go. The forum boards are slowly dying out it seems. I'm glad Parler is back, still no consolation for the loss of ATS.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB