(12-27-2024, 05:13 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: ...However, in the field of UFOlogy I've found you can't always throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Little truth bits are intertwined in almost every story like with mythology. But as we know it's a damn
labyrinth with many dead-ends and becomes quite exhausting.
All the answers I think are buried back in the 40s & 50s...
I always go back to the simple question of -if the classified experiment that certain factions of the military
named 'Operation Mogul' in New Mexico was so secret that they were willing to initially state that a
crashed disc was the cause of the debris on the Foster ranch back in '47, then why weren't those taking
part in the classified assessment looking for the remains?
Those taking part in the testing for high-altitude evidence of any Soviet nuclear use would've surely
monitored the alleged balloon and Rawin target device in some form? Even if the instruments were
deemed 'throw-away' after the experiment, the negligence to retrieve such apparatus could jeopardize
the restricted nature of the test.
To not inform the local military or publish a 'heads-up' in local newspapers for ranches in the area that
that this stuff was coming down on their properties would make sense if one was trying to keep the
test on the down-low.
But since there was a lack of haste to recover the fallen instruments, no attached tracking device to aid
such a reclamation and a vagueness in The Roswell Report to pin down the exact date that would align
with the Foster Ranch discovery, we're left with idea that whatever information was required from the
clandestine search of Soviet nuclear testing was received from the balloon and any aftermath wasn't a
deemed big deal in regards of anyone in the Chaves County area later obtaining proof that such a test
had taken place. The why deem it 'secret' for so long?
The alleged testing involving a neoprene material is said to have began in November of 1946 and is stated
in the Report to have ended in July of the following year. It is also proposed that Flight 4 of the experiment
became the actual material that came to rest on the Foster ranch and it was this weather-degraded bunch
of sticks and torn synthetic rubber that Mac Brazel found scaring his sheep away from a watering hole.
But still -if one goes along with the report that Flight 4 went airborne 4th June of 1947, it could again
surmised that the earth-bound return of the balloon wasn't that important in regards of security around
the tests.
Further, if one assumes the sensitive data was acquired during the flight of this balloon and any later
evidence of the covert mission wasn't deemed to be actual proof that such a secretive mission had
occurred, then why feel the need to transport the remains to Wright Patterson Airforce Base during
the media's revelation of what General Ramey had announced?
If the material was important after coming down, there's no indication it was being looked for and
from the official report, it seems there's an uncertainty whether anything confidential about the tests
was relayed to the Command of Roswell Army Base. Hell... they still can't figure out why or if it was
General Ramey who actually ordered Lieutenant Walter Haut to release the 'Flying Disc' story to the
And so a sheep rancher -Mac Brazel, is later held for a few days by the military because he'd brought
something he believed was strange to Roswell's Sheriff Wilcox. Two military personnel -Cavitt and Marcel,
were dispatched by their Commander to check the ranch after the Sheriff had reported Brazel's findings.
Lt. Walter Haut was told after General Ramey's perusal of the debris to announce that a 'flying disk' was
The month-old material at the Sheriff's office was confiscated, a military craft was ordered to fly the whole
now-crated discovery to another base and the media are informed a simple error occurred by a high-ranking
officer. Brazel was released and told to keep quiet about the shiny scraps that scared his sheep, the Proctors
-who were some of the first observers of Brazel's discovery, changed their stories and it took until 1995, that
all of this was seen baloney.

Read The TV Guide, yer' don't need a TV.