Quote:Perhaps better education and awareness of how to spot mis/disinfo would be more effective? This is a multi-faceted question – yes, I think people posting mis/disinfo online is a problem and not necessarily about politics or elections (said as part of a demographic frequently subject to such bullshit) but censoring/cancelling and silencing are only band-aids. However, with how stupid people are today, some handholding might be necessary and appropriate?
The government seems to think it's appropriate, which, of course, has me immediately up at arms.
Quote:Having a fundamental right to lie seems to be a given as everyday people, so-called journalists, talking heads and politicians do it freely and often without repercussion or remorse hoping they won’t be fact checked or debunked. I don’t see any way around this but when it comes to identified state sponsored blatant mis/disinfo and ludicrous online lies, I think authorities should have a right to intervene when necessary.
Maybe not specifically through censorship as pointing out such actions and actors might be enough but with today's ever growing consumption of bias confirming sources, who knows?
The fact that they can do it without repercussion, yet, want to be the gatekeepers of what we say is a little unsettling IMO.
But, yes, people be dumbasses, lol.