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Online Censorship As We Approach Multiple National Elections - MykeNukem - 09-29-2024

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2024/25 are not just 'election years' they are THE election years. With over 2 billion people voting in over 50 countries around the world, the stakes have never been higher.

We've seen an alarming increase in online censorship recently, and an ever increasing amount of that is under advisement from our respective governments and their liberal supporters, though, there is also an uptick in censorship by the right.

Do we have freedom of speech? Or not?

Are we able to decide for ourselves, what to believe, or not to believe? And then, to express it?

The problem with misinformation and disinformation isn't a 'people' problem, but, as the evidence reflects, it is an 'intelligence agency' and a 'health agency' and an 'economic agency' problem, as recent history attests, they are the main proprietors and cause of the problem, yet, they are also in charge of the 'solution'

Classical Hegelian Dialectic, and the 'people' fall for it every time:

Quote:As the U.S. 2024 presidential election gets underway, social media companies are caught in an unenviable position: trying to stop the spread of misinformation while also facing more and more allegations of censorship.

Claims of censorship online have, in some cases, stymied efforts to combat false election news shared online. The problem is not unique to the U.S.: high-stake elections are being held in dozens of countries around the world this year and some worry that misinformation could influence the results.

"Half of the world is voting this year and the world could stick with democracy or move toward authoritarianism," Darrell West, a senior fellow of technology innovation at the Brookings Institution, said. "The danger is, disinformation could decide the elections in a number of different countries."
CBS News

Quote:The Canadian cyber spy agency, the Communications Security Establishment (“CSE”), has stated that it is “very likely” that Canadian voters will encounter some sort of foreign interference ahead of the September 2021 election. This type of interference may come in the way of overt hacking attempts, or the more insidious dissemination of “fake news” on online platforms.

The following 'deepfake' appears more likely to be a local government operation, but they focus blame on 'foreign election interference':

Quote:Just days before Slovakia's national election last fall, a mysterious voice recording began spreading a lie online.

The manipulated file made it sound like Michal Simecka, leader of the Progressive Slovakia party, was discussing buying votes with a local journalist. But the conversation never happened; the file was later debunked as a "deepfake" hoax.

On election day, Simecka lost to the pro-Kremlin populist candidate Robert Fico in a tight race.

Quote:While it's nearly impossible to determine whether the deepfake file contributed to the final results, the incident points to growing fears about the effect products of artificial intelligence are having on democracy around the world — and in Canada.

"This is what we fear ... that there could be a foreign interference so grave that then the electoral roll results are brought into question," Caroline Xavier, head of the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) — Canada's cyber intelligence agency — told CBC News.

Cautiously hopeful:
Quote:After weathering a years-long political and legal assault, researchers who study disinformation say they see reasons to be cautiously hopeful as their efforts heat up ahead of the 2024 election.

These researchers, along with the universities and nonprofits that they work for, have been in the crosshairs of Republicans and their allies, accused of acting as government proxies in a Biden administration plot to censor conservative speech online. Since 2021, those who worked to identify and combat disinformation around the last presidential election and Covid-19 have faced lawsuits, congressional inquiries and attacks online and in right-wing media that have threatened their reputations, careers and personal safety.

On Monday, during oral arguments at the Supreme Court, most of the justices voiced some support for governments and researchers working with social media platforms on content moderation, especially related to national security, emergencies and health.

Markedly Worse:
Quote:As destructive as these false election narratives have been, there is good reason to believe the problem may be markedly worse in 2024. Five factors are poised to degrade the election information environment even further compared with 2020: 1) right-wing legal and political attacks have successfully deterred key institutions, organizations, and government agencies from addressing falsehoods about the election process; 2) domestic actors appear increasingly robust and coordinated in their broader efforts to undermine confidence in American elections, too; 3) social media companies have drastically reduced efforts to moderate false election content and amplify accurate information; (4) a convergence of recent geopolitical crises seem set to galvanize renewed interest from foreign adversaries such as Russia, China, and Iran to interfere in U.S. elections; and (5) recent advances in artificial intelligence mean adversaries of American democracy have access to tools that can boost voter suppression efforts and pollute the information environment on a scale and level of sophistication never seen before in a federal election cycle, though AI may also help address these threats.
Brennan Center

Election interference? Found it:
Quote:The Supreme Court on Wednesday issued a decision that could have enormous consequences for the 2024 election, saying the US government can – for now – keep warning social media companies about mis- and disinformation threats it’s seeing online.

Although the case was decided narrowly on a technicality and not on the substance of the issues, the decision is nonetheless among the most consequential of the court’s current term.

The government’s outreach to social media platforms has been happening since the 2016 election and in direct response to Russia’s attempts to meddle in US politics. In 2020, a congressional inquiry faulted the US government and tech platforms for not working together more to respond to those types of informational threats, which could baselessly sow division among voters and weaken the United States on the world stage.

Do you think there's a problem with people posting misinfo/disinfo online, to the point that we have to censor them?

Or is posting misinfo/disinfo (during election years, or not) a fundamental right?

Sometimes opinions are full of misinfo/disinfo, therefore, battling misinfo/disinfo means battling opinion, doesn't it?

Have you noticed an uptick in censorship recently?


RE: Online Censorship As We Approach Multiple National Elections - Freija - 09-30-2024

(09-29-2024, 11:51 PM)MykeNukem Wrote: Do you think there's a problem with people posting misinfo/disinfo online, to the point that we have to censor them?

Perhaps better education and awareness of how to spot mis/disinfo would be more effective? This is a multi-faceted question – yes, I think people posting  mis/disinfo online is a problem and not necessarily about politics or elections (said as part of a demographic frequently subject to such bullshit) but censoring/cancelling and silencing are only band-aids. However, with how stupid people are today, some handholding might be necessary and appropriate?

Quote:Or is posting misinfo/disinfo (during election years, or not) a fundamental right?

Having a fundamental right to lie seems to be a given as everyday people, so-called journalists, talking heads and politicians do it freely and often without repercussion or remorse hoping they won’t be fact checked or debunked. I don’t see any way around this but when it comes to identified state sponsored blatant mis/disinfo and ludicrous online lies, I think authorities should have a right to intervene when necessary.

Maybe not specifically through censorship as pointing out such actions and actors might be enough but with today's ever growing consumption of bias confirming sources, who knows?

Quote:Sometimes opinions are full of misinfo/disinfo, therefore, battling misinfo/disinfo means battling opinion, doesn't it?

It absolutely does.

Quote:Have you noticed an uptick in censorship recently?

I don’t get out much so not really.

RE: Online Censorship As We Approach Multiple National Elections - MykeNukem - 09-30-2024

Quote:Perhaps better education and awareness of how to spot mis/disinfo would be more effective? This is a multi-faceted question – yes, I think people posting  mis/disinfo online is a problem and not necessarily about politics or elections (said as part of a demographic frequently subject to such bullshit) but censoring/cancelling and silencing are only band-aids. However, with how stupid people are today, some handholding might be necessary and appropriate?

The government seems to think it's appropriate, which, of course, has me immediately up at arms. 

Quote:Having a fundamental right to lie seems to be a given as everyday people, so-called journalists, talking heads and politicians do it freely and often without repercussion or remorse hoping they won’t be fact checked or debunked. I don’t see any way around this but when it comes to identified state sponsored blatant mis/disinfo and ludicrous online lies, I think authorities should have a right to intervene when necessary.

Maybe not specifically through censorship as pointing out such actions and actors might be enough but with today's ever growing consumption of bias confirming sources, who knows?

The fact that they can do it without repercussion, yet, want to be the gatekeepers of what we say is a little unsettling IMO.

But, yes, people be dumbasses, lol.


RE: Online Censorship As We Approach Multiple National Elections - Infolurker - 10-01-2024

Free Speech is DESPISED by those who want to control the narrative, mainly those in power themselves. Hell, they even have the American leftist all for censorship now. 

How many times in the last few years have we had the "official narrative" deemed total lies while they tried to censor anyone with dissenting facts that they did NOT want the public to know?

Masks don't work, don't buy them, wait now you all have to wear them.

Covid 19 did not escape from the Wuhan lab. If you say it did, you will be censored and banned.

Hunter Biden's laptop of hookers and drug videos are not real, we will even have DOZENS of former intel officers say so. It is all Russian Disinfo

Even That POS John Kerry was recently lamenting that this damned Free Speech is pushing back their agenda.

John Kerry says "1st Amendment stands as a MAJOR BLOCK" to THEIR ability to control the "FACTS"

In the UK, They are jailing people for social media posts.

The U.K. is now jailing people for social media comments

Even better, the UK is threatening to extradite Americans for online posts they don't like, especially if you highlight illegal immigrant crimes and statistics. Imagine if the US was doing the same to BLM or George Floyd supporters..... 

UK authorities threaten extradition, jail to US citizens for online posts stoking riots

No, the right of free speech should not be decided by a "governing authority" that decides what is true or not, mainly because they are always caught lying. WTF, do we really want a 1984 style Ministry Of Truth? A Reich Ministry Of Public Enlightenment And Propaganda? 

If you do, you may be a Communist.... Or just an idiot.