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I smell a new Cabinet Department in our Future !!
USAID Internal Documents Reveal Government Plot To Promote Censorship Initiatives
The FOIA Documents..
I smell a new Cabinet Department in our Future !!
USAID Internal Documents Reveal Government Plot To Promote Censorship Initiatives
The FOIA Documents..
The US Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Center on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) created an internal “Disinformation Primer” that revealed the agency’s explicit praise for private sector censorship strategies and proposed additional censorship practices and techniques.
USAID’s censorship proposals were aimed at influencing private sector technology companies, media organizations, education ministries, national governments and funding bodies.
USAID endorsed “Advertiser Outreach” for the purpose of getting corporate advertisers to financially throttle disfavored media sources and social media accounts.
USAID recommended Google’s Redirect Method and “prebunking” (i.e., psychological inoculation) as potential solutions to stop the erosion of traditional media influence over citizen hearts and minds.
USAID proposed targeting gamers and gaming sites, pushing the need to censor their formation of “interpretations of the world that differ from ‘mainstream’ sources” and interrupting the process by which “individuals contribute their own ‘research'” to collectively form their own “populist expertise.”
When The Coconuts Fell