I am going to get shot from a cannon for what I am about say. It is not going to sound good at all. But before you cut off my head, think about it for a second.
Past wars were fought by a bunch of old guys that lived in a state of mind that was battle riddled, battle worn, battle infused. They lived for nothing else but battle.
They used young naive boys, fresh off the farm or from some backwood town that lived for the excitement of being outside of their town, and lived off the romance of all the stories they would get to tell, if they got back home. Dying for country was sold as the highest honor back then.
Then came Vietnam. The young boys were not so gungho, they were smarter, and saw the government and the war for what it was. They were blacklisted, punished, and treated like scum. This marked the beginning of the downfall of our military.
Fast forward to today, you have a bunch of political military leaders, most that have never seen actual combat, trying to create a successful, and adept military unit from a bunch of young men and women that would have trouble frying an egg or tying their shoes, without support of their ever present cell phones.
They can't put down the cell phones long enough to drive around the corner, and can't sleep without them firmly planted in their hands.
They have no sense of teamwork, they each think they are unique and special, and everything is someone else's fault, someone else's responsibility, someone else's job.
How could anything go wrong?
Past wars were fought by a bunch of old guys that lived in a state of mind that was battle riddled, battle worn, battle infused. They lived for nothing else but battle.
They used young naive boys, fresh off the farm or from some backwood town that lived for the excitement of being outside of their town, and lived off the romance of all the stories they would get to tell, if they got back home. Dying for country was sold as the highest honor back then.
Then came Vietnam. The young boys were not so gungho, they were smarter, and saw the government and the war for what it was. They were blacklisted, punished, and treated like scum. This marked the beginning of the downfall of our military.
Fast forward to today, you have a bunch of political military leaders, most that have never seen actual combat, trying to create a successful, and adept military unit from a bunch of young men and women that would have trouble frying an egg or tying their shoes, without support of their ever present cell phones.
They can't put down the cell phones long enough to drive around the corner, and can't sleep without them firmly planted in their hands.
They have no sense of teamwork, they each think they are unique and special, and everything is someone else's fault, someone else's responsibility, someone else's job.
How could anything go wrong?
People treat you the way you teach them to treat you.