Quote:The Giza Death StarMarch 3, 2025 / Joseph P. Farrell
I'm a big fan of the science fiction television series Fringe, as most regular readers here know. For those who do not know the show, it revolves around various science fiction themes, including parallel universes collapsing into each other, and things like mind manipulation, "dream connectivity", and so on. All of this is is tapped into by (and as it turns out, is in most cases created by) the show's mad scientist, Dr. Walter Bishop. Again, for those who don't know the series, Dr. Bishop is truly and legitimately mad - insane - having spent seventeen years in a state mental asylum until "rescued" by an FBI agent, and by his son. Dr. Bishop's madness, however, is not that of a Peter Lorre or a Boris Karloff, but more a kind of humorous relief; it's madness of the eccentric not of the criminal.
I mention all of this because one theme that extends throughout a few episodes is the relationship between mind and consciousness, memory, and the world of our dreams. Dr. Bishop has, for example, performed experiments on recovering memories from corpses (yes you read that correctly), to actual dream transfer from one person (often a corpse but not always) to another, living, person. All this brings us to today's story shared by M.D. (with our gratitude). This story appeared last October in The New York Post, but the subject itself concerns this Fringe-like area of dream transference, or as the article puts it, "chat between two dreaming humans."
Here's the story:
Start-up claims to have ‘successfully’ achieved first ‘chat’ between two dreaming humans: ‘Could unlock new dimensions’
Now here's the essence of this important experiment:
Quote:REMspace, a San Francisco Bay Area-based neurotech company focused on lucid dreaming and sleep enhancement, shared that they have now twice had “two individuals successfully induced lucid dreams and exchanged a simple message.”
The company claimed the participants were sleeping at their homes on Sept. 24 when their specially developed “apparatus” remotely tracked their polysomnographic data through WiFi — recording their brain waves, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, and breathing during sleep.
After the company’s server detected that one of the candidates had entered a lucid dream state, it generated a random word and repeated it to him via earbuds.
The company has not shared the word, which was allegedly only known to the participant and repeated in his dream state, but his response was then recorded and stored on their server.
Eight minutes later, the second candidate entered a lucid dream, and the server transmitted the stored message to them, which they repeated upon waking up — marking the first-ever “chat” exchanged in dreams.
“Researchers at REMspace have achieved a historic milestone, demonstrating that lucid dreams could unlock new dimensions of communication and humanity’s potential,” the company said about last month’s experiment.
Lucid dreaming occurs when a person is aware that they are dreaming while asleep. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it usually happens during REM sleep, when the most vivid dreams occur.
Now for those who have been following my own speculations about mind manipulation technologies and research, this opens up intriguing "high octane speculation" possibilities and implications. In my book Microcosm and Medium I pointed out that beginning in the 1970s (and probably secretly some years before), experiments were being done to create "electroencephalographic dictionaries" as I called them: literally mapping the brainwave patterns of hundreds of people reacting to specific spoken words. These waves were then "averaged" to produce a brainwave template of that particular word, and over time, the number of words that were mapped into this electroencephalographic dictionary grew from a few thousand to an extensive vocabulary. Then the experiment was changed: could these brainwaves of specific words be modulated into microwave (radio) signals and be beamed into an individual's brain, thus achieving the "voices in the head" phenomenon: actually having conversations with "people who are not there", and in the nature of the case, driving some people mad in the process, or at least, getting them to question their sanity. These experiments were also allegedly successful.
But in this case the brainwave response of to the word was recorded, and that that response was transmitted to another dreaming person. Note that in this experiment, that both participants were in the very deepest dream state, suggesting the next stage to the project: can the same template of a word be transmitted without the physical connection of the server? And if that should prove to be the case, what is the mechanism of transmission?
These types of experiments, believe it or not, were performed in the old Soviet Union (and in particular in the 1970s), and by other countries in the old Warsaw Pact, most notably in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. I mention this because in the Soviet research, the preferred model for this information transfer - given its official promotion of Marxism's dialectical materialism - was via some subtle and unknown electromagnetic means. So the Soviet researchers did what any scientific team would do: they tested that hypothesis by isolating their dreamers in Faraday cages, and over some hundreds of kilometers separation from each other. The results were significant enough to suggest that subtle electromagnetic transfer was not the mechanism or medium involved.
All of this brings us back to Dr. Walter Bishop in his laboratory in the series Fringe. In one episode he is hooking up a living participant to a recently deceased corpse, and "tuning" them via a deep sleep state like REM sleep, until their brainwave patterns match, as he has done on many other occasions in the series. On one such occasion he remarks that his some of his experiments were based on experiments done behind the Iron Curtain, to which he adds the very discomforting and disquieting comment, "You wouldn't believe what those Pinkos were up to!"
Actually, I would believe it, because apparently that type of research is being done now, by various private interests in the heart of "technocracy", the area are Silicon Valley, California. Or perhaps we might call it SillyCon, Looneyfornia, for the experiments that we know about are being performs on people in their dreaming state... giving yet another curious twist to all those practices of traditional piety, asking for protection from evil influences and temptations while asleep, and most vulnerable.
Now imagine all this, taken to the next step, beyond electroencephalographic dictionaries, to the whole constellation of non-verbal things, like tastes, sensations, sounds, smells, and the rationale behind those old practices become even more understandable.
Imagine the potential of technocratic marketing temptations.
![[Image: KHpIxiX.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/KHpIxiX.jpg)
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." – Thomas Sowell