MEANWHILE, IN DR. WALTER BISHOP’S LABORATORY... - EndtheMadnessNow - 03-04-2025
Quote:![[Image: 24MtwuM.jpg]](
March 3, 2025 / Joseph P. Farrell
I'm a big fan of the science fiction television series Fringe, as most regular readers here know. For those who do not know the show, it revolves around various science fiction themes, including parallel universes collapsing into each other, and things like mind manipulation, "dream connectivity", and so on. All of this is is tapped into by (and as it turns out, is in most cases created by) the show's mad scientist, Dr. Walter Bishop. Again, for those who don't know the series, Dr. Bishop is truly and legitimately mad - insane - having spent seventeen years in a state mental asylum until "rescued" by an FBI agent, and by his son. Dr. Bishop's madness, however, is not that of a Peter Lorre or a Boris Karloff, but more a kind of humorous relief; it's madness of the eccentric not of the criminal.
I mention all of this because one theme that extends throughout a few episodes is the relationship between mind and consciousness, memory, and the world of our dreams. Dr. Bishop has, for example, performed experiments on recovering memories from corpses (yes you read that correctly), to actual dream transfer from one person (often a corpse but not always) to another, living, person. All this brings us to today's story shared by M.D. (with our gratitude). This story appeared last October in The New York Post, but the subject itself concerns this Fringe-like area of dream transference, or as the article puts it, "chat between two dreaming humans."
Here's the story:
Start-up claims to have ‘successfully’ achieved first ‘chat’ between two dreaming humans: ‘Could unlock new dimensions’
Now here's the essence of this important experiment:
Quote:REMspace, a San Francisco Bay Area-based neurotech company focused on lucid dreaming and sleep enhancement, shared that they have now twice had “two individuals successfully induced lucid dreams and exchanged a simple message.”
The company claimed the participants were sleeping at their homes on Sept. 24 when their specially developed “apparatus” remotely tracked their polysomnographic data through WiFi — recording their brain waves, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, and breathing during sleep.
After the company’s server detected that one of the candidates had entered a lucid dream state, it generated a random word and repeated it to him via earbuds.
The company has not shared the word, which was allegedly only known to the participant and repeated in his dream state, but his response was then recorded and stored on their server.
Eight minutes later, the second candidate entered a lucid dream, and the server transmitted the stored message to them, which they repeated upon waking up — marking the first-ever “chat” exchanged in dreams.
“Researchers at REMspace have achieved a historic milestone, demonstrating that lucid dreams could unlock new dimensions of communication and humanity’s potential,” the company said about last month’s experiment.
Lucid dreaming occurs when a person is aware that they are dreaming while asleep. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it usually happens during REM sleep, when the most vivid dreams occur.
Now for those who have been following my own speculations about mind manipulation technologies and research, this opens up intriguing "high octane speculation" possibilities and implications. In my book Microcosm and Medium I pointed out that beginning in the 1970s (and probably secretly some years before), experiments were being done to create "electroencephalographic dictionaries" as I called them: literally mapping the brainwave patterns of hundreds of people reacting to specific spoken words. These waves were then "averaged" to produce a brainwave template of that particular word, and over time, the number of words that were mapped into this electroencephalographic dictionary grew from a few thousand to an extensive vocabulary. Then the experiment was changed: could these brainwaves of specific words be modulated into microwave (radio) signals and be beamed into an individual's brain, thus achieving the "voices in the head" phenomenon: actually having conversations with "people who are not there", and in the nature of the case, driving some people mad in the process, or at least, getting them to question their sanity. These experiments were also allegedly successful.
But in this case the brainwave response of to the word was recorded, and that that response was transmitted to another dreaming person. Note that in this experiment, that both participants were in the very deepest dream state, suggesting the next stage to the project: can the same template of a word be transmitted without the physical connection of the server? And if that should prove to be the case, what is the mechanism of transmission?
These types of experiments, believe it or not, were performed in the old Soviet Union (and in particular in the 1970s), and by other countries in the old Warsaw Pact, most notably in Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. I mention this because in the Soviet research, the preferred model for this information transfer - given its official promotion of Marxism's dialectical materialism - was via some subtle and unknown electromagnetic means. So the Soviet researchers did what any scientific team would do: they tested that hypothesis by isolating their dreamers in Faraday cages, and over some hundreds of kilometers separation from each other. The results were significant enough to suggest that subtle electromagnetic transfer was not the mechanism or medium involved.
All of this brings us back to Dr. Walter Bishop in his laboratory in the series Fringe. In one episode he is hooking up a living participant to a recently deceased corpse, and "tuning" them via a deep sleep state like REM sleep, until their brainwave patterns match, as he has done on many other occasions in the series. On one such occasion he remarks that his some of his experiments were based on experiments done behind the Iron Curtain, to which he adds the very discomforting and disquieting comment, "You wouldn't believe what those Pinkos were up to!"
Actually, I would believe it, because apparently that type of research is being done now, by various private interests in the heart of "technocracy", the area are Silicon Valley, California. Or perhaps we might call it SillyCon, Looneyfornia, for the experiments that we know about are being performs on people in their dreaming state... giving yet another curious twist to all those practices of traditional piety, asking for protection from evil influences and temptations while asleep, and most vulnerable.
Now imagine all this, taken to the next step, beyond electroencephalographic dictionaries, to the whole constellation of non-verbal things, like tastes, sensations, sounds, smells, and the rationale behind those old practices become even more understandable.
The Giza Death Star
Imagine the potential of technocratic marketing temptations.
(03-04-2025, 06:34 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: ![[Image: KHpIxiX.jpg]](
loved me some fringe, it's was on my rotation of bingeing until freevee took it down. Walter was a trip.
RE: MEANWHILE, IN DR. WALTER BISHOP’S LABORATORY... - Michigan Swamp Buck - 03-05-2025
I began watching Fringe when it came out because it was a lot like X-Files but edgier. I still thought of it as an X-Files knock-off until after a while when it got really creepy and weird. Walter-net and the alternate realities got pretty interesting and certainly made it different enough from X-Files to stand on its own.
That picture of Walter with the Gatsby cap looks just like a former friend of mine who was also a Fringe fan.
RE: MEANWHILE, IN DR. WALTER BISHOP’S LABORATORY... - EndtheMadnessNow - 03-11-2025
Here's Part II
March 5, 2025 / Joseph P. Farrell
You may have noticed our focus this week is on mind manipulation technologies, a subject of frequent attention on this website, as well as in some of my books. as on last Monday's blog we are dealing with an article that is "dated," but unlike Monday's article, this one is over a decade old, and approaching a decade and a half, but I'm blogging about it because of its inherent high octane speculation implications and possibilities. And regarding these possibilities, I want to issue one of my oft-repeated caveats to the reader: if I, a hack from South Dakota, can think of these possibilities, so can "they", and they probably did long before I came along. Here's the article (which, oddly, or perhaps not so oddly, was shared by a few of you):
Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System
There's two things in particular that I want to draw the readers' attention. The first is this:
In March 2012 the Russian defense minister Anatoli Serdjukov said:
Quote:“The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020,” (Voice of Russia)
The world media reacted to this hint on the open use of psychotronic weapons by the publication of scientific experiments from the 1960‘s where electromagnetic waves were used to transmit simple sounds into the human brain. However, most of them avoided saying that since then extensive scientific research has been carried out in this area throughout the world. Only a Colombian newspaper, El Spectador, published an article covering the whole scale of the achievements of this (computerized English translation).
Britain’s Daily Mail, as another exception, wrote that research in electromagnetic weapons has been secretly carried out in the USA and Russia since the 1950’s and that “previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone’s thought processes.
High doses of microwaves can damage the functioning of internal organs, control behaviour or even drive victims to suicide.”
You'll note that the Russian defense minister himself admitted that "posychotronic weapons," i.e., mind manipulation technologies, were part of the procurement program for the decade leading up to the current Russo-Ukrainian war.
Why is this grist for the high octane speculation mill? What possible twisted "Dr. Walter Bishopian connection" could there possibly be between psychotronic weapons and the Russo-Ukrainian war?
I should think that it would be rather obvious, but in case it isn't, I'll spell out plainly what is in my mind. When I first heard that open hostilities had broken out, and then heard the western media's ridiculous attempts to spin the narrative that the Ukraine was not only winning the war (handily by some truly incredible accounts), but that it actually could win the war with enough help from "the west," meaning, the U.S.A. I even have a friend who is a Russian(Ukrainian)-American bishop who contacted me and asked me what I thought of this narrative. I told him that I thought it was absolutely nuts and fantastic, and that there was no way the Ukraine was winning, nor could win, any war with Russia, western aid or no western aid. Even Germany is only batting 50% on the score card, and that would quickly go down to 33% should it "try again." And the only other counties capable would be the USA (dubious with the effects of wokery on its military), or China, and even with Chinese numbers, it would find the going very tough if not impossible. My point is that the narrative being put out, particularly in the Western media and even by some "military experts" made absolutely no sense from any military point of view, even by an amateur such as me. It was crazy. It was nonsense. And now, here were are, a few years later, with the Ukrainian military in tatters and an entire country in ruins and a situation that is only getting worse, as its petulant and childish "leader" doubles down on the insanity.
So what's going on? With the existence of such weapons, weapons that can "control behaviour or even drive victims" - victims like countries and their "leaders" - "to suicide," perhaps we have the explanation for all the otherwise inexplicable and suicidal behavior, including the growing inability to reason with such people: they're downright unreasonable, irrational, and...well... just plain nuts.
The point is that if that high octane speculation be true, then clearly these types of weapons can exert an enormous geopolitical effect.
But there's something else, something that ties into yet another weird and very high octane speculation of mine, and it's this:
Quote:In 1975, neuropsychologist Don R. Justesen, the director of Laboratories of Experimental Neuropsychology at Veterans Administration Hospital in Kansas City, unwittingly leaked National Security Information. He published an article in “American Psychologist” on the influence of microwaves on living creatures’ behavior.
In the article, he quoted the results of an experiment described to him by his colleague, Joseph C. Sharp, who was working on Pandora, a secret project of the American Navy.
Don R. Justesen wrote in his article:
Quote:“By radiating themselves with these ‘voice modulated’ microwaves, Sharp and Grove were readily able to hear, identify, and distinguish among the 9 words. The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons with artificial larynxes” (pg. 396).
That this system was later brought to perfection is proved by the document which appeared on the website of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1997, where its Office of Research and Development presented the Department of Defense’s project: “Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect”. In the description it said:
Quote:“An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offers a low-probability-of-intercept radiofrequency (RF) communications. The feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity laboratory system and a high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications exist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations” (See
In January 2007, the Washington Post wrote on the same subject:
Quote:“In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone’s head… Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the research laboratory’s directed energy directorate, declined to discuss that patent or current or related research in the field, citing the lab’s policy not to comment on its microwave work. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified documents surrounding that 2002 patent — records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility. Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear — the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it or release other materials“ (Italicized emphasis added)
Now you'll note that the sound of such auditory microwave interference with the brain is that the "talking" produces sounds like the mechanical-metallic sounds of an artificial larynx. This recalls to my mind the "metallic, grating" sounds reportedly heard by victims of the Havana syndrome, the American and Canadian personnel who reported all sorts of strange sleep disorders, headaches, and sounds while stationed in their respective embassies in Havana a few years ago. The syndrome, you'll recall, also spread to Swampington, D.C., where it occurred to random victims around the city, and while they were apparently outdoors. All this, again, suggests the use of microwave-modulated brainwave interference technologies.
But it's that metallic-sounding "voice" that people "hear" in their heads that sets me off on a very different line of high octane speculation, one connected to the plasma-life-hypothesis that I outlined in my recent book The Demon in the Ekur, and that Robert Temple explored in more depth (lacking, of course, my patristic references) his book The New Science of Heaven. Plasmas do broadcast radio waves. Now, couple that with the hypothesis that some may be intelligent, and one arrives at the possibility that they might actually be capable of "talking" and, more importantly, being "overheard" by humans, or even of communicating with humans. What would they "sound" like? Well, if this article is any indicator, they would sound "metallic", or like an "artificial larynx."
But wait, there's one final dive off the high octane speculation twig that we must take, for if that is a possible implication, then, coupled with our first speculation, that means that this "communication" could also, and would also, have vast geopolitical implications, for it might not be the Russians beaming insanity and nuttery into the witless brains of the modern Western leadership.
It might be Someone Else Altogether.
See you on the flip side...
The Giza Death Star
Wait, there's more...
March 7, 2025 / Joseph P. Farrell
As readers might have guessed from this week's blogs, we've been spending a lot of time in the laboratory of my favorite character from the science fiction television series, Fringe, Dr. Walter Bishop. Thus far we've been talking a great deal about the implications of microwave modulated brainwave activity, dream connectivity, the plasma-intelligent-life hypothesis, and the geopolitical implications of it all. But there's yet another possibility that is raised in an article shared by K.S. (with our thanks). While I continue to post this under the "mind control" tab, I do so only for the sake of continuity between all of this week's blogs. I suspect, however, that my reasons for including this article will become immediately apparent to the reader; here's the article:
Linguistic-Wave Genetics
And here's the interesting stuff:
Quote:According to the Watson-Crick genetic model (1953), the sequence of genes in our DNA creates specific amino acids. The amino acids, then, construct the arrangement of proteins and cells in our body. Through a code of 64 combinations of nucleobases (AUCG), they are arranged as triplet codons, the code that creates the 20 amino acids in our biological system. Gariaev, however, explores this circumstance through what he calls “codon homonyms,” positing that the specification of amino acids created is based not only on the triple codon letters (e.g., AUC), but on a higher wave frequency, which is connected not only with electromagnetic frequencies, but also with consciousness and thought.
Dr. Bruce Lipton (2005) also points to the effect consciousness has on our cells through our inherited epigenetic structure, which, too, is associated with DNA. Epigenetics is known to be affected by diet, but also consciousness thought, especially stress and fear. Epigenetics can be defined, in part, as controlling the function of turning gene sequences “on” and “off” which is a key coding mechanism of DNA, mainly operating by a methyl (CH3) group functioning around the DNA. Lipton has shown that our cells act like organic computer chips continually influenced by their environment.
In 1973, Dr. J.J. Hurtak (1973) also asserted that our genetic process is influenced by our thoughts and the thoughts that surround us as a “bio-consciousness” field. Thus, emerges a new understanding of our genetics, which can be influenced and, perhaps, implemented through energy and consciousness some of which may be inserted even before we come into this physical reality. Regardless of when, we are implying that “Consciousness” relates directly to the biochemical, genetic processes which can be influenced by human thought.
Gariaev’s (Gariaev, et. al., 2017) research has also involved stem cells, as he has differentiated these early cells through his understanding of wave genetics. Ultimately, advancing understanding could lead to the growth of new organs. In his laboratory, he has already applied LWG to certain viruses, where, once their wave genetics has been determined, it can lead to the virus’s demise. Gariaev (2019) also has used a laser with a special polarized field to transmit information about whole chromosomes beyond simple strands of DNA, to establish a field of energy that mimics various organs.
Specifically, Gariaev sees DNA as LWG (linguistic wave genetics), where all the information about a person and any bio-system, including the genetic coding, is included in the so-called “Bohm universal hologram” associated with waves. Here chromosomes are created as part of a holographic continuum, just as a barcode that can be read by a laser is created for an object. This could also be used for the reading and input of additional wave codes into the human body and other biosystems.
Now, for readers of my recent book The Demon in the Ekur, or of Robert Temple's The New Science of Heaven, the presence of David Bohm in this very rich conceptual stew will send their suspicion-and-aha!- meters into the red zone. Bohm was, of course, the world-class quantum physicist who posited that there was a deeper layer of "something" of a deterministic fashion behind all the randomness of the statistical information that comprises quantum mechanics. This "something" he called a "pilot wave", and he even wrote a whole textbook on quantum mechanics - a very good one in fact - outlining his approach. But Bohm was also a plasma physicist, who, some readers will recall, quit working with them because he made certain observations that convinced him he might be dealing with a form of life. A very different life form, to be sure, but nonetheless a form of life.
Similarly, Dr. Gariaev is proposing that there is a similar type of waveform "behind and underneath" the material phenomenon called the DNA helix. this wave form itself constitutes an immaterial field of information - think Dr. Rupert Sheldrake's morphogenetic field here - that can be transmitted, and as such, forms a kind of template of action, a blueprint for biological development and behavior. Or to put it differently and to cite from a paper titled "DNA As Wave Genetics", which K.S. also shared:
Quote:Russian scientists took a different investigative route to reach their understanding of DNA that Western scientists ignored. In 1925, A.A. Lubishchev recognised that our DNA and genes are not the code for the living organism in themselves but are the link to our bio-informational field where this information resides and operates at the quantum level as waves and fields. This confirmed what A.G. Gurvich had already proposed. Another Russian, N. Beklemishev came to the same conclusion through his work a few years later.
When Dr Peter Gariaev, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Academy of Sciences in New York, put together his team to investigate DNA, he already recognised that it was not a case of just sequencing the nucleotides and codons. He took a broader approach and included biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and even linguistic experts in his research team. They concluded that the supposed junk DNA that has been completely neglected and forgotten by Western mainstream science was not a redundant leftover of evolution at all. Linguistic studies revealed that the sequencing of the codons of the "non- coding" DNA follow the rules of grammatical syntax that gives context to the coding DNA. Dr Gariaev's team discovered that there is a definite structure and logic in the sequence of these triplets, creating a biological language such that the codons effectively form words and sentences, just like our spoken language follows grammatical rules.
Dr Gariaev continued his research into the function of DNA and concluded that due to its wave and particle basis and in line with its linguistic characteristics, DNA functions on an electromagnetic and acoustic level and can thus be reprogrammed using frequency as sound and words. (Emphasis added)
And he went further, and tested this hypothesis:
Quote:He then did a remarkable experiment in which he shone a low-power laser through some salamander embryos in one container onto some frog embryos in a separate container. The frog embryos developed into adult salamanders. This proved that not only does DNA have an informational aspect that determines its expression, but that it is possible to pick up and transfer this information using lasers, and that post transfer this information remains coherent by its ability to successfully direct the frog embryos to express the salamander DNA information.
Dr Gariaev postulated that the genome is multi- dimensional and exists in a chromosome continuum—a stable wave that travels throughout the organism along the highly structured double-helix DNA and holds the genetic information as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms. He considered that these holograms that create nodes on the universal hologram as a record of all that is and has been, are the true record of our genetic blueprint. (emphasis added)
In other words, by careful, precise manipulation of the informational field, DNA will express now as one thing, and now as another, giving yet a new twist to the old ideas that all life is interconnected, and that mankind itself is a kind of microcosm-summary of life. And notice too that Dr. Gariaev posits all this against the implied assumption that information never dies; it is but a kind of universal hologram of which all life, in all times and places, is a kind of fractal piece.
And that, as I've been trying to show through this week's blogs, makes us - in the Pauline expression - co-workers with God... we can either work for our salvation, or twist it, for our destruction. It is a truly cosmic power that is unfolding, and so far, all the indicators are that Someone Else Altogether wants to twist it all, for once all the techniques are learned, one can literally beam anything over a population in a region:
Quote:Dr Gariaev performed another experiment in which laboratory rats were given a pancreatic toxin called alloxan that induced a diabetic state. One third of these rats were untreated as the control group with none surviving after 4–6 days. Just before dying, the treated rats were exposed to the DNA information captured from a healthy rat pup pancreas. Over 90 per cent of the treated rats survived and regained their pancreatic function by day 10, including one group that were 20km from the source of the matrix.
[color=#ffc95f][size=large]By this experiment Dr Gariaev proved that information collected from correctly functioning organs can be used to direct unhealthy organs to repair and regain function. Likewise, the healing information within natural healing products such as herbs, royal jelly etc. that help instruct the body how to self-heal, can also be captured using this laser technique and turned into sounds.
Note, that this technology can be used to heal, or destroy, to make whole, or, as we saw in the previous parts of this series, to drive insane and destroy. We are arriving back at that high pitch of development where the old magic of ancient lore is beginning to sound like nothing else but misunderstood science...
See you on the flip side...
The Giza Death Star
RE: MEANWHILE, IN DR. WALTER BISHOP’S LABORATORY... - Michigan Swamp Buck - 03-12-2025
After parts 2 and 3, I'm speechless.
I don't know what to say other than it all sounds like New Age Futuristic Science Fiction from the 1950s and 60s. It also has a cult vibe to it.