I don't post here much, and when I do it's something about me. Sorry, don't know where else to post it without getting negative comments. Here everyone is always kind
So anyway. I'm 51. I grew up in Europe ,and my dad being American moved to Europe to live in my moms country.
It was not a happy marriage, more like brother/sister, probably why I never saw the point of marriage , but that's not what my rant is about.
My father has ruined my life , and everyday it's going through my head how I wish I had spoken up sooner to stop some of it.
So when he retired he wanted to move back to the US. By then I was in my 20s and was still living at home till this point when they decided to move to the US. I didn't want to move so stayed behind (I was 23 at this point).
I loved finally being free and being on my own , it was fantastic. Those were the happies days of my life, I miss them dearly.
My dad never wrote me, never a phone call , never a card (this was in the 90s, so before texting etc).
I recieved many letters and phonecalls from my mom . I visited maybe twice a year (dad bought my tickets) as I was pretty broke at the time. After about 3 years my dad said he was not going to pay for tickets anymore and if I wanted to see my mom that meant moving there, he'd pay for that. He knew that because of my mental health issues it was diffiicult for me to work and make a decent living. So , to my feeling , he pretty much blackmailed me into moving.
I turned to self harm those months before the dreaded move, and got several tattoos (another form of selfharm) and turned to OCD (taking photos of streets everywhere in the Netherlands as I'd not see it again for some time).
When I arrived here he took away what little financial independance I had and I never saw my bank accounts again.
I let it happen as I was used to this treatment I guess (now I wouldn't allow this ).
So I was angry with him , the first 10 years I lived here. I was isolated , missed my best friend in Europe and was lonely and depressed. More OCD followed. I developed an eating disorder after some comments from him as well , at the time I was dieting and it instantly switched to bulimia.
I hated my life and my body and this brought some comfort in food and the release of the purge I guess.
I've never had any relationship with my father. He never hugged me, never said he loved me.
I was always single off course, my guess it's related. If , as a woman, your own father doesn't want to hug you or says he loves you , why would any man?
For me, because of my mental health issues it would have been easier to find a job , and maybe have some normal life, with god forbid some social life back in Europe , but here it failed miserably.
I did meet someone online , years ago , he remained in Europe the whole time, and so the only relationship ever that had some meaning was long distance the whole time. The travel was very difficult for me due to , once again, my mental health issues . So it was very little and something I hated and rather avoided.
Once we had a child it became even more difficult, and while my son lived with his father in Europe and I didn't get to see him for 7 months I developed another OCD (related to my son, not going into details here about that) .
But had I lived in Europe I would have been much nearer and the travel would have been possible, and so I would never have been separated from my son so long.
I lost my best friend in Europe by now , lost my home country (it will allways remain that) , and am about to lose my favorite aunt (the only one who ever gave a shit about me from all my extended family). She's in her nineties and suffering from severe dementia. I have barely seen here the last few years , also because again , my difficulties with travel .
My whole life would have been different if my father had respected me enough as an adult to not blackmail me away from my home country . I would have never gotten the stupid tattooes, never gotten most of my OCD, never the eating disorder, would have had a normal life by now ,most likely, with a job and maybe a husband in a place of my own (oh I forgot to say , I've been planted in the same house with my brother 20something years ago ,stuck here now).
My father has been dead since 2014 , and I don't miss him at all even. In fact I'm angry with him most days as my life is ruined .
This anger has only come out the last few years, must have held it in for all those years as I , of course, never expressed myself this way towards my father.
I see no future, no bright future at least. I might exist and continue to force myself to do so , for my loved ones, but I'd rather be dead .
Thanks for letting me rant, I need to get this all out .
Edit to add: I was on disablity income , at the time I was still in Europe , and he blackmailed me into moving and took over my account.
Obviously if I was working it would have been different.