If the Universe is accelerating, maybe that's why time seems to go faster as we get older.
People seem to move faster and tend to screw things up easier
(06-18-2023, 03:48 PM)xuenchen Wrote: If the Universe is accelerating, maybe that's why time seems to go faster as we get older.
People seem to move faster and tend to screw things up easier
Very interesting data.
The "Big Bang Theory" and the "Expanding Universe Theory" are both being questioned now as the recent data shows these theories as "probably wrong".
Seems that numerous galaxies and stars out there are way older than they should be and these previous theories do not hold water based on new evidence / observations.
And if you will confess with your mouth our Lord Yeshua, and you will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall have life.