Being a wholly untalented writer but afflicted by an active imagination, I am a master of "story fragments": an intriguing bit of text that -could- be developed into a story, but only by those with true writing talent.
Here is an example.
(sigh) It could be the basis of a story if only . . .
Would anyone else like to contribute a fragment?
Here is an example.
Quote:Guido shifted uncomfortably in his chair. It didn't help that this not-quite-a-room underneath the Vatican, a chamber really, was poorly lit and ventilated.
The cardinal fixed him with a piercing stare before asking in an icy manner,
"-What- are you saying? That the eternal soul is but a parasitical entity that opportunistically hops from mortal form to mortal form as people die and are born?! ... That the history of humanity is an unending tale of rude exploitation perpetrated by The Source?!!"
(sigh) It could be the basis of a story if only . . .
Would anyone else like to contribute a fragment?

Fire In The Hole