Bigfoot is something I have never believed in. I always thought it was the most absurd thing I had ever heard. I thought people who believed in Bigfoot were total nutjobs.
That is, up until recently.
The last 4 or 5 years have been a whirlwind of learning. I've dove into so many topics, and have learned so much about what all has actually been going on in the science community, and all the weird immoral unethical experiments that went on, and so my eyes have been opened to so many possibilities I never would have considered, that I am now convinced that even Bigfoot is a strong possibility of being real.
I came up with a theory of my own. I'm sure it's been done before, but I decided I'm bored, and feel like writing, so here goes.
The old 80's movie "Harry and the Hendersons" was on the other day, and I sat and watched it for that ol nostalgic feeling I get from these old movies. Halfway through the film I wondered if I was actually seeing some sort of truth in this movie.
Plum Island came to mind...
I wondered if, in trying to create some sort of "super soldier" 'animal-human hybrid,' and the genetically crossed a bear, gorilla and a man (maybe just a bear and a man) and instead of getting this fierce fighting carnivore, they end up with this docile loving gentle vegetarian Bigfoot instead?
Then they get loose...
Now we have them living up in those extremely remote mountains.
What if Bigfoot was an experiment gone wrong? Instead of getting the fierce fighting machine they end up with "Harry and the Hendersons Bigfoot" instead?
I'm bored, have fun with it. I'm assuming this is already a theory. If so, it's mine now as well. After everything my eyes have been opened to recently, I would not doubt it if this were all the case when it comes to Bigfoot.
If there are any Bigfoot enthusiasts out there, I believe you now.
That is, up until recently.
The last 4 or 5 years have been a whirlwind of learning. I've dove into so many topics, and have learned so much about what all has actually been going on in the science community, and all the weird immoral unethical experiments that went on, and so my eyes have been opened to so many possibilities I never would have considered, that I am now convinced that even Bigfoot is a strong possibility of being real.
I came up with a theory of my own. I'm sure it's been done before, but I decided I'm bored, and feel like writing, so here goes.
The old 80's movie "Harry and the Hendersons" was on the other day, and I sat and watched it for that ol nostalgic feeling I get from these old movies. Halfway through the film I wondered if I was actually seeing some sort of truth in this movie.
Plum Island came to mind...
I wondered if, in trying to create some sort of "super soldier" 'animal-human hybrid,' and the genetically crossed a bear, gorilla and a man (maybe just a bear and a man) and instead of getting this fierce fighting carnivore, they end up with this docile loving gentle vegetarian Bigfoot instead?
Then they get loose...
Now we have them living up in those extremely remote mountains.
What if Bigfoot was an experiment gone wrong? Instead of getting the fierce fighting machine they end up with "Harry and the Hendersons Bigfoot" instead?
I'm bored, have fun with it. I'm assuming this is already a theory. If so, it's mine now as well. After everything my eyes have been opened to recently, I would not doubt it if this were all the case when it comes to Bigfoot.
If there are any Bigfoot enthusiasts out there, I believe you now.

They live.
We sleep.
We sleep.