Looks like it is going hot in South Africa. A genocide rally that Hitler would envy... look at all the people in that stadium.
Parliament member calls for genocide of whites in South Africa. Zero outrage.
Elon Musk: 'They Are Openly Pushing for Genocide of White People in South Africa
Quote:Shocking video shows South Africa’s black party singing “kill the Boer (Whites), kill the White farmer”
This is all downstream from the rotten secular religion of wokeness and CRT plaguing America today.
You have been warned.
WATCH. https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/...6667518976
Parliament member calls for genocide of whites in South Africa. Zero outrage.
Elon Musk: 'They Are Openly Pushing for Genocide of White People in South Africa
Quote:South African farmer Theo Bekker (79) was brutally murdered by 4 thugs yesterday
The attackers beat him with an iron bar, slit his throat, and then beat his wife Marlinda
This came 24 hours after EFF leader Julius Malema told a crowd of 90k people to “kill the Boer (Whites), kill the White farmer”
And if you will confess with your mouth our Lord Yeshua, and you will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall have life.