It's amazing how our mil/intel folks can ascertain who launches what halfway around the world, but we are told they are absolutely baffled at drone swarms over home skies. Whoever believes that BS I gotta a bridge in the Sahara desert to sell you.
Protocol 1 since 1942: If you don't know what they are then you shoot them down, period. Since they're not shooting them down they must be ours and they know exactly who is controlling them.
Trump: “Your government knows what’s going on, but they’re being quiet.”
Preparing the public for what will become normal everyday surveillance? For your safety of course. Swarms of drones on our coastal borders & ports as part of NORTHCOM/NORAD UAP drill exercises for Operation Homeland Synchronizer under the direction of NORTHCOM/NORAD/COG Combatant Commander General Gregory M. Guillot.
Operation Homeland Synchronizer was and is taking place from Agony Hill, Colorado (Fort Carson); Western Air Defense Sector (WADS at Joint Base Lewis-McChord), Eastern Air Defense Sector (EADS HQ in Rome, NY), the Hawaii Region Air Operations Center (HIRAOC), the Alaska Region Air Operations Center (AKRAOC) and the Canada Air Defense Sector (CADS)... All these commands report to NORAD. The Op tests included drone swarms versus UAP. I assume UAP is also ours. Red Team vs Blue team war gaming.
Last year (December) it was mystery drones over Langley for 2 weeks. Before that we had (trial) balloons for a dry run.
A large part of these exercises are to test the military defense infrastructure while another synchronous test is conducting psyops on the public at large using drone hysteria and "we don't know what they are; where they came from; who is in control of them" as cover while collecting the data. Chaos & mass confusion, and propaganda play a huge role in the Information Space Domain. All this data gets fed into a super-computer. How much of a role AI plays in the data mining I have no idea but I'm sure it's immense and some (a lot?) of it factors into the war gaming scenarios.
![[Image: hSgkjz4.jpg]](
United States Northern Command Assigned as DOD’s Lead Synchronizer for Counter Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations in the Continental United States and Alaska
Another “synchronizer” article:
Pentagon ponders policy shifts to protect homeland bases from drones
![[Image: LJYzce8.jpg]](
NORAD and USNORTHCOM Commander and Command Senior Enlisted Leader visit WADS
It all has a lot of parallels to the military UFO games of the late 50s-early 60s and the 80s. While all this UFO/UAP/Drone hysteria was going on the former NORTHCOM/NORAD commander was writing articles and notably his Op-ed recently published in the WSJ:
![[Image: IB42Eo5.jpg]](
The U.S. Homeland Stands Unguarded - The Pentagon needs to modernize its plans to defend against new threats from Russia and China.
On the surface they are data mining and testing the public with a large scale swarm of various drones while observing how the public reacts to a threat from above which plays right into their UFO threat narrative which may be an Emergency Powers test. All this going on during a president-elect period with a very weak Administration with lack of response on this whole drone show is very concerning. Concerning being whatever our deep state faction people are trying to change policy wise in the next 35 days.
Sometimes those tests go live such as a live event that piggybacks off a drill/exercise. Misdirection. 9/11 for example.
Then again maybe just more drone tomfoolery for next 35 days, BUT the military is definitely up to something or preparing for something.
Just my 2 cents.
Another possibility (conspiracy?) is some of those (sniffer) drones are looking for a rogue nuke OR a military exercise to locate a nuke. I hope that drill doesn't live.
When you see:
- Claims of unprecedented threats
- Calls for extreme measures
- Demands for unquestioning trust
Remember Operation Northwoods.
History doesn't necessarily repeat, but it sure does rhyme, a lot.
The lesson?
Power doesn't just want control. It wants permission. And it will create whatever crisis necessary to get it. We've all seen it, lived it numerous times. Watch what institutions do when they think no one is watching. When online rumors and institutional distrust collide, you get drones.
Peter Thiel’s Palantir runs suicide drone ad during the Army-Navy game...
Protocol 1 since 1942: If you don't know what they are then you shoot them down, period. Since they're not shooting them down they must be ours and they know exactly who is controlling them.
Trump: “Your government knows what’s going on, but they’re being quiet.”
Preparing the public for what will become normal everyday surveillance? For your safety of course. Swarms of drones on our coastal borders & ports as part of NORTHCOM/NORAD UAP drill exercises for Operation Homeland Synchronizer under the direction of NORTHCOM/NORAD/COG Combatant Commander General Gregory M. Guillot.
Operation Homeland Synchronizer was and is taking place from Agony Hill, Colorado (Fort Carson); Western Air Defense Sector (WADS at Joint Base Lewis-McChord), Eastern Air Defense Sector (EADS HQ in Rome, NY), the Hawaii Region Air Operations Center (HIRAOC), the Alaska Region Air Operations Center (AKRAOC) and the Canada Air Defense Sector (CADS)... All these commands report to NORAD. The Op tests included drone swarms versus UAP. I assume UAP is also ours. Red Team vs Blue team war gaming.
Last year (December) it was mystery drones over Langley for 2 weeks. Before that we had (trial) balloons for a dry run.
A large part of these exercises are to test the military defense infrastructure while another synchronous test is conducting psyops on the public at large using drone hysteria and "we don't know what they are; where they came from; who is in control of them" as cover while collecting the data. Chaos & mass confusion, and propaganda play a huge role in the Information Space Domain. All this data gets fed into a super-computer. How much of a role AI plays in the data mining I have no idea but I'm sure it's immense and some (a lot?) of it factors into the war gaming scenarios.
![[Image: hSgkjz4.jpg]](
United States Northern Command Assigned as DOD’s Lead Synchronizer for Counter Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations in the Continental United States and Alaska
Another “synchronizer” article:
Pentagon ponders policy shifts to protect homeland bases from drones
![[Image: LJYzce8.jpg]](
NORAD and USNORTHCOM Commander and Command Senior Enlisted Leader visit WADS
It all has a lot of parallels to the military UFO games of the late 50s-early 60s and the 80s. While all this UFO/UAP/Drone hysteria was going on the former NORTHCOM/NORAD commander was writing articles and notably his Op-ed recently published in the WSJ:
![[Image: IB42Eo5.jpg]](
The U.S. Homeland Stands Unguarded - The Pentagon needs to modernize its plans to defend against new threats from Russia and China.
On the surface they are data mining and testing the public with a large scale swarm of various drones while observing how the public reacts to a threat from above which plays right into their UFO threat narrative which may be an Emergency Powers test. All this going on during a president-elect period with a very weak Administration with lack of response on this whole drone show is very concerning. Concerning being whatever our deep state faction people are trying to change policy wise in the next 35 days.
Sometimes those tests go live such as a live event that piggybacks off a drill/exercise. Misdirection. 9/11 for example.
Then again maybe just more drone tomfoolery for next 35 days, BUT the military is definitely up to something or preparing for something.
Just my 2 cents.
Another possibility (conspiracy?) is some of those (sniffer) drones are looking for a rogue nuke OR a military exercise to locate a nuke. I hope that drill doesn't live.
When you see:
- Claims of unprecedented threats
- Calls for extreme measures
- Demands for unquestioning trust
Remember Operation Northwoods.
History doesn't necessarily repeat, but it sure does rhyme, a lot.
The lesson?
Power doesn't just want control. It wants permission. And it will create whatever crisis necessary to get it. We've all seen it, lived it numerous times. Watch what institutions do when they think no one is watching. When online rumors and institutional distrust collide, you get drones.
Peter Thiel’s Palantir runs suicide drone ad during the Army-Navy game...
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." – Thomas Sowell