(06-30-2023, 12:47 PM)quintessentone Wrote: Well those 'some' judges must see that many factions of society are still NOT race blind so why should the admissions department act as if they are race blind?
That depends on whether they take government money or not. The government cannot legally or morally finance a system that is biased against one citizen in favor of another based upon race, gender, etc. It's that pesky "equality under the law" concept, the same reason that gay marriages must be allowed and licensed by the State, the same reason that miscegenation statues were struck down. The government cannot support discriminatory practices against some citizens in favor of others.
Note well that the legal and governmental system is not the same as a social system. It governs, it does not socialize.
Now, if a private institution does NOT take government money, in any form, then the government by rights does not have any say in how it operates. That is the one flaw in this decision, as I understand they are applying it to both public and private institutions. It can, and must, be applied to public institutions or institutions that take public funds, but it cannot legitimately be applied to wholly private institutions.
"Factions of society" are social issues, not legitimate government issues.