Nebuchadnezzar is truly living up to his name.
Last night was his first night in the house. He slept cuddled up against my lower back or behind my knees. And I guess that meant to him that he is the King of the house.
He has been walking around like he owns the place. He goes nose to nose with Enoch and Sylvester. He submitted and let Enoch sniff all over him. Enoch and Sylvester are still very stand offish with him.
He walks around the crates when the Huskies are in them, like he is testing himself. Maxx tried to kiss him. He wasn't having it. He tried to bitch slapped Maxx and Maxx looked at me and cussed me out in native Husky with a Florida accent. He tried to push Nebuchadnezzar off my lap. Then got mad when I laughed at him and he went back into his crate.
Nebuchadnezzar tries to act bad, and brave, but I can tell he is still scared. And he is always checking to make sure he can see me. He does not like me to be out of his sight.
He is gaining weight, but 4 lbs is a long way from Enoch's 24 lbs and Sylvester's 22 lbs. His coat is getting shiner and blacker. I think the red colors in his coat was most likely due to the sun. I think he likes being inside and he loves the a/c. He sleeps a lot. I mean a whole lot since he has been inside. Maybe he is trying to catch up on his sleep now that he feels safe.
Last night was his first night in the house. He slept cuddled up against my lower back or behind my knees. And I guess that meant to him that he is the King of the house.
He has been walking around like he owns the place. He goes nose to nose with Enoch and Sylvester. He submitted and let Enoch sniff all over him. Enoch and Sylvester are still very stand offish with him.
He walks around the crates when the Huskies are in them, like he is testing himself. Maxx tried to kiss him. He wasn't having it. He tried to bitch slapped Maxx and Maxx looked at me and cussed me out in native Husky with a Florida accent. He tried to push Nebuchadnezzar off my lap. Then got mad when I laughed at him and he went back into his crate.
Nebuchadnezzar tries to act bad, and brave, but I can tell he is still scared. And he is always checking to make sure he can see me. He does not like me to be out of his sight.
He is gaining weight, but 4 lbs is a long way from Enoch's 24 lbs and Sylvester's 22 lbs. His coat is getting shiner and blacker. I think the red colors in his coat was most likely due to the sun. I think he likes being inside and he loves the a/c. He sleeps a lot. I mean a whole lot since he has been inside. Maybe he is trying to catch up on his sleep now that he feels safe.