(06-12-2023, 06:30 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:Quote:Wait. Which god and why is he such a wrathful authoritarian dickhead? Sorry man but mythology and sky-fairies just don't do it for me. Never has and never will.
I can't answer the question of which God, I do believe that there is more than one, and each chooses which God they want to serve, or not.
Some gods may be wrathful authoritarian dickheads, I don't know or choose to worship those. I do find it interesting that usually the ones that do believe in those wrathful authoritarian dickheads, seem very angry and hate those dickheads that they say they do not believe exists.
So that leads me to think, and I could be wrong, that what they are angry with or hate is the person that does believe in the wrathful authoritarian dickheads. I can see how that can happen. Things are not always what they seem, especially if you have little to no knowledge with what it is you are dealing with, or may have to deal with.
Your post prompted me to have a flash back. It reminds me of my Father. He was a strict disciplinarian. He was a serious man, and he wanted the best for his children. Times were hard, and nothing about it was easy. He knew that he had to prepare us to not just survive what was coming, but to defeat it.
It took me years to realize that my Father was not a wrathful authoritarian dickhead, but a loving, concerned, dedicated Father. Too bad I did not realize that until about 20 years after he was dead.
I regret I never had the opportunity to tell him how right he was, and he should be proud, because all ten of his children succeeded in this world, and none of us would have made it, if he had not been a wrathful authoritarian dickhead.
I did not see my Father as a god, unless you want to call Satan a god. I did not worship him then, and I sure as hell don't now. I do see how through my childish eyes, and my zero knowledge of what he was trying to prepare us for, and lead me to view him as much less, when he was truly so much more.
Thanks for your post, because you reminded of just how ignorant I was, and how much I lost.
You are truly a wise soul, NightSkyB4Dawn. I have always seen it in your words; as I do here. You could not be more right. My dad was one of those authoritarian dickheads as well. And yep, he prepared us for what was coming. He wasn't a man of words, but a great guide that my entire family relied on for that "sound voice." Once he was gone, I realized how much he had taught me, and how he was still teaching me beyond the grave. I can hear his words, the ones I always ignored, but now that I am listening to them I can see how he was right all along. And yes, me too, I am so thankful for that "iron rod" style of fathering, because it has absolutely prepared me for what we are all facing right now. I am actually ten steps ahead of this rigged game we are all playing.
And as far as my spiritual walk with my Father (my god, as NightSkyB4Dawn put it), well, my dad prepared me for Him as well.....and I could not be more thankful for all those hard lessons my dad taught me about all of this.
Sucks I waited so long to realize how good I had it with my authoritarian/strict dad.
((Thanks, pops.....love ya...))