This has been going on for a very long time - they are now getting to the point of confidence where they are too lazy to even try to hide it. What the hell, folks don't seem to care anyhow, so why bother with trying to hide it any more? I mentioned in a post 10 or 15 years ago tht it seemed like "someone" was sending out a talking point bulletin at 6 am every morning, and al of the words coming out of the Talking Heads' mouths were directly from the talking point script. No one believed me then much, and now here we are at this point.
Watch your daily interactions with folks of various political persuasions, and you will notice that the hive mind think filters directly down from the Talking Heads, right into the streets. It's not just "them", it's "us" too that are taking alien marching orders from some hidden puppet masters.
Notice, for example, how many times you hear "OUR democracy", as if everyone had the same ideas. There is no Our" democracy. When someone says that, what they really mean is "MY democracy, get your shit together and march in goose-stepping lockstep with ME It's MY democracy - you're just here to agree with ME.".
Here's the thing. if ALL of these politicians and news presenters are ALL thinking the exact same thing, right down to the exact same words, what the hell do we need all of them for? One could do it just as well. Why not fire the lot of them, and simply install the Emperor's Crown on whomever, whichever queen or king of the hive is directing things, the One who is issuing the talking points and subsequent marching orders?
You know, just have One King to Rule Them All...
Watch your daily interactions with folks of various political persuasions, and you will notice that the hive mind think filters directly down from the Talking Heads, right into the streets. It's not just "them", it's "us" too that are taking alien marching orders from some hidden puppet masters.
Notice, for example, how many times you hear "OUR democracy", as if everyone had the same ideas. There is no Our" democracy. When someone says that, what they really mean is "MY democracy, get your shit together and march in goose-stepping lockstep with ME It's MY democracy - you're just here to agree with ME.".
Here's the thing. if ALL of these politicians and news presenters are ALL thinking the exact same thing, right down to the exact same words, what the hell do we need all of them for? One could do it just as well. Why not fire the lot of them, and simply install the Emperor's Crown on whomever, whichever queen or king of the hive is directing things, the One who is issuing the talking points and subsequent marching orders?
You know, just have One King to Rule Them All...