Sometimes a side effect after being in contact with a UFO/ET knowingly or unknowingly, according to popular lore.
I've been mistaken for someone's brother, son, cousin, boyfriend, by complete strangers, often at a restaurant or bar or a walk down the street.
From all the bits 'n pieces I've read over the years on Doppelgangers or "double-walkers" I've never been able to conclude on any one specific explanation. Other than, Oh, that's interesting or wow, that is weird or huh, that's gotta be folklore and regardless what you choose to believe none of it gave me a warm feeling.
The Doppelgänger phenomenon and death: a peculiar case of homicide by a subject with first-episode psychosis
That type of psychosis can & sometimes leads to a person's doppelganger becoming the dominant side. Now with the Internet/Media/Smartphones that dark side force has an easy path into the less disciplined minds. The mere exposure is sometimes all it takes.
An X-Files example: Post-Modern Prometheus, Cher (a doppelgänger) singing Walking in Memphis (S05E05)
And from that strange 19th century occultic woman, H. P. Blavatsky:
If you're into the esoteric side check out AnthroWiki
I've been mistaken for someone's brother, son, cousin, boyfriend, by complete strangers, often at a restaurant or bar or a walk down the street.
From all the bits 'n pieces I've read over the years on Doppelgangers or "double-walkers" I've never been able to conclude on any one specific explanation. Other than, Oh, that's interesting or wow, that is weird or huh, that's gotta be folklore and regardless what you choose to believe none of it gave me a warm feeling.
The Doppelgänger phenomenon and death: a peculiar case of homicide by a subject with first-episode psychosis
That type of psychosis can & sometimes leads to a person's doppelganger becoming the dominant side. Now with the Internet/Media/Smartphones that dark side force has an easy path into the less disciplined minds. The mere exposure is sometimes all it takes.
An X-Files example: Post-Modern Prometheus, Cher (a doppelgänger) singing Walking in Memphis (S05E05)
And from that strange 19th century occultic woman, H. P. Blavatsky:
Quote:Astral Bodies, or DoppelgangersStudies in Occultism — H. P. Blavatsky
M. C. Great confusion exists in the minds of people about the various kinds of apparitions, wraiths, ghosts, or spirits. Ought we not to explain once for all the meaning of these terms? You say there are various kinds of "doubles" what are they?
H. P. B. Our occult philosophy teaches us that there are three kinds of "doubles," to use the word in its widest sense. First, man has his "double" or shadow, properly so called, around which the physical body of the fetus — the future man — is built. The imagination of the mother, or an accident which affects the child, will affect also the astral body. The astral and the physical both exist before the mind is developed into action, and before the Atma awakes. This occurs when the child is seven years old, and with it comes the responsibility attaching to a conscious sentient being. This "double" is born with man, dies with him, and can never separate itself far from the body during life, and though surviving him, it disintegrates, pari passu, with the corpse. It is this which is sometimes seen over the graves like a luminous figure of the man that was, during certain atmospheric conditions. From its physical aspect it is, during life, man's vital double, and after death, only the gases given off from the decaying body. But, as regards its origin and essence, it is something more. This double is what we have agreed to call Linga-sarira, but which I would propose to call, for greater convenience, "Protean" or "Plastic Body."
M. C. Why Protean or Plastic?
H. P. B. Protean, because it can assume all forms; e.g., the "shepherd magicians" whom popular rumor accuses, perhaps not without some reason, of being "were-wolves," and "mediums in cabinets," whose own "Plastic Bodies" play the part of materialized grandmothers and "John Kings." Otherwise, why the invariable custom of the "dear departed angels" to come out but little further than arm's length from the medium, whether entranced or not? Mind, I do not at all deny foreign influences in this kind of phenomena. But I do affirm that foreign interference is rare, and that the materialized form is always that of the medium's Astral, or Protean body.
M. C. How is this astral body created?
H. P. B. It is not created; it grows, as I told you, with the man and exists in the rudimentary condition even before the child is born.
M. C. And what about the second?
H. P. B. The second is the "Thought" body, or Dream body, rather; known among Occultists as the Mayavi-rupa, or "Illusion-body." During life this image is the vehicle both of thought and of the animal passions and desires, drawing at one and the same time from the lowest terrestrial manas (mind) and Kama, the element of desire. It is dual in its potentiality, and after death forms what is called in the East Bhut, or Kama-rupa, but which is better known to Theosophists as the "Spook."
M. C. And the third?
H. P. B. The third is the true Ego, called in the East by a name meaning "causal-body," but which in the trans-Himalayan schools is always called the "Karmic body," which is the same. For Karma, or action, is the cause which produces incessant rebirths or "reincarnations." It is not the Monad, nor is it Manas proper; but is, in a way, indissolubly connected with and a compound of the Monad and Manas in Devachan.
M. C. Then there are three doubles?
H. P. B. If you call the Christian and other Trinities "three Gods," then there are three doubles. But in truth there is only one under three aspects or phases: the most material portion disappearing with the body; the middle one surviving both as an independent but temporary entity in the land of shadows; the third, immortal throughout the Manvantara, unless Nirvana puts an end to it before.
If you're into the esoteric side check out AnthroWiki
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." – Thomas Sowell