(02-26-2025, 11:58 AM)F2d5thCav Wrote: About a year ago, I was on a Spanish island and chatted with a restaurant owner from China.
I was mildly surprised when he said he intended to return to China when he had made enough money. I didn't question him about the intrusiveness of the CCP in everyday life. Maybe the people are just used to it there. Can't be many still alive who recall a China that wasn't under the control of the CCP.
I think it's just an ingrained part of the Chinese mindset. All they've ever known is intrusive totalitarianism, and it has been that way for roughly 4,000 years now... so it has probably seeped into their genes. The CCP, bad as it is, is not the first totalitarian government in China. Even back in the Warring States period, no one was fighting for liberty, they were all just fighting over which state government got to exercise the totalitarianism over the entire empire.