If space/time is static, like a solid block, then maybe our experience of it is time.
Reality is like a story in a book, it doesn't even exist until you are actively reading it. As you experience the story it creates a motion from the beginning to the end, call it the flow of time or cause and effect, but it never really changes. If you read it again, the story is the same, the characters do the same things over again. It can only be something different to a reader experiencing the story for the first time.
What I propose is not a new idea. "The Never Ending Story" and "Jumanji" are based on similar ideas, even the Bible says that God spoke reality into existence like telling a story. Another example is the TV program "Happily Ever After" where the reality is a story written in a magic book.
Reality is like a story in a book, it doesn't even exist until you are actively reading it. As you experience the story it creates a motion from the beginning to the end, call it the flow of time or cause and effect, but it never really changes. If you read it again, the story is the same, the characters do the same things over again. It can only be something different to a reader experiencing the story for the first time.
What I propose is not a new idea. "The Never Ending Story" and "Jumanji" are based on similar ideas, even the Bible says that God spoke reality into existence like telling a story. Another example is the TV program "Happily Ever After" where the reality is a story written in a magic book.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB