January 25, 1961: JFK's First Televised News Conference
Friday night's purge: trimming the fat. Trump fires 17 independent inspectors general at federal agencies.
Trump fires independent inspectors general in Friday night purge
A LaserDisc that plays like an elaborate music video. The entire soundtrack album is played over video footage shot by a Japanese TV crew visiting the Snoqualmie, WA, locations where the series was shot. This rip of the LD using the Domesday Duplicator method (an open source device + software to capture RF signals from Laserdisc players directly, including VHS, CD, and audio cassettes) and the image quality is better and the playback is smooth as butter.
Watch or download
CATCHING THE BIG FISH: MEDITATION, CONCIOUSNESS, AND CREATIVITY (David Lynch, 2007) Ebook + Audiobook narrated by Lynch himself.
Book is also on Archive.org
January 25, 1997: Richard Nixon's clairvoyant/psychic/astrologer that he relied heavily upon, died.
Author Jeane Dixon on WJZ-TV Baltimore, Archival News Footage c. 1969
Two videos at Archive.org
How many films and shows portrayed the World Trade Center being blown up or attacked way before it ever actually happened?
This one is an indie/underground film from 1983 ("Born in Flames" / Lizzie Borden) which portrays a near-future radical feminist movement who blow up the World Trade Center... yet another eerie anticipatory media moment targeting this specific site years ahead of 1993 and 2001; maybe even the earliest example.
Based on the deep politics, it would appear that it was the entrenched system and not the subversives who benefited from the 'alchemy' of destruction.
The writer and director was originally named Linda Borden, born February 3, 1958 in Detroit, Michigan, but had her name legally changed to Lizzie Borden, after the infamous 19th century double axe murder suspect. Her first film was a documentary featuring a young, then unknown, Kathryn Bigelow. In Born in Flames she plays a Newspaper Editor.
An illustrated transcript of Lizzie Borden’s 1983 film: Born in Flames
Movie: Born in Flames
Hellraiser 1 was released on 9-11-87 in the UK and Sept 18th in the USA. Hellraiser 3 was released on 9-11-92 in the USA. Look over Pinhead's shoulder:
Flashback to earlier computer/Internet days:
1 computer per household
Internet painfully slow
Cuts off when someone calls
Installing games from 6 CDs
Please enter the 256-digit CD-key
Error terror
No video guides anywhere
HDD too small for normal files
Get virus from downloading anything
Too young to know or care
Mom picks up the phone mid-download: game over.
Monitor weighs more than your future
Printer jams every time you print. Even test pages.
You get a call from dad, "It says press any key to continue." Where’s the any key?!
AOL trial CDs everywhere. You could tile your whole house with them.
The year is 2003. You're logging onto your family PC to play some internet flash games.
Is it just me or does the MAGA movement seem blind to the fact that while they celebrate the collapse of the legacy paradigm, they are unknowingly paving the way for a new, ultra techno-driven tyranny fueled by biometrics, AI overlords and mass digital surveillance? "It's too keep you SAFE." However, I do wonder how big the "noticing" community is among MAGA folks.
Tom Homan (White House Border Czar) accused the Pope of hypocrisy for criticizing his mass deportation operations!
"Lemme give a message to the Pope guy. I'm a lifelong Catholic. I was born Catholic. I've been through Catholic doctrine."
"Look, he oughta concentrate on fixing the Catholic church."
"First of all, he's got big problems there."
"He ought to stick to the Catholic Church and fix that. That’s a mess."
Trump's Border Czar Fires Back At Pope Francis Over Deportation Plan
Barnes & Noble sucking up to Trump. LOL.
Pres Trump: "I halted all IRS hiring. Maybe we should terminate or reassign the 88,000 IRS agents to border patrol duties."
Friday night's purge: trimming the fat. Trump fires 17 independent inspectors general at federal agencies.
Trump fires independent inspectors general in Friday night purge
A LaserDisc that plays like an elaborate music video. The entire soundtrack album is played over video footage shot by a Japanese TV crew visiting the Snoqualmie, WA, locations where the series was shot. This rip of the LD using the Domesday Duplicator method (an open source device + software to capture RF signals from Laserdisc players directly, including VHS, CD, and audio cassettes) and the image quality is better and the playback is smooth as butter.
Watch or download
CATCHING THE BIG FISH: MEDITATION, CONCIOUSNESS, AND CREATIVITY (David Lynch, 2007) Ebook + Audiobook narrated by Lynch himself.
Book is also on Archive.org
January 25, 1997: Richard Nixon's clairvoyant/psychic/astrologer that he relied heavily upon, died.
Author Jeane Dixon on WJZ-TV Baltimore, Archival News Footage c. 1969
Two videos at Archive.org
How many films and shows portrayed the World Trade Center being blown up or attacked way before it ever actually happened?
This one is an indie/underground film from 1983 ("Born in Flames" / Lizzie Borden) which portrays a near-future radical feminist movement who blow up the World Trade Center... yet another eerie anticipatory media moment targeting this specific site years ahead of 1993 and 2001; maybe even the earliest example.
Based on the deep politics, it would appear that it was the entrenched system and not the subversives who benefited from the 'alchemy' of destruction.
The writer and director was originally named Linda Borden, born February 3, 1958 in Detroit, Michigan, but had her name legally changed to Lizzie Borden, after the infamous 19th century double axe murder suspect. Her first film was a documentary featuring a young, then unknown, Kathryn Bigelow. In Born in Flames she plays a Newspaper Editor.
An illustrated transcript of Lizzie Borden’s 1983 film: Born in Flames
Movie: Born in Flames
Hellraiser 1 was released on 9-11-87 in the UK and Sept 18th in the USA. Hellraiser 3 was released on 9-11-92 in the USA. Look over Pinhead's shoulder:
Flashback to earlier computer/Internet days:
1 computer per household
Internet painfully slow
Cuts off when someone calls
Installing games from 6 CDs
Please enter the 256-digit CD-key
Error terror
No video guides anywhere
HDD too small for normal files
Get virus from downloading anything
Too young to know or care
Mom picks up the phone mid-download: game over.
Monitor weighs more than your future
Printer jams every time you print. Even test pages.
You get a call from dad, "It says press any key to continue." Where’s the any key?!
AOL trial CDs everywhere. You could tile your whole house with them.
The year is 2003. You're logging onto your family PC to play some internet flash games.
Is it just me or does the MAGA movement seem blind to the fact that while they celebrate the collapse of the legacy paradigm, they are unknowingly paving the way for a new, ultra techno-driven tyranny fueled by biometrics, AI overlords and mass digital surveillance? "It's too keep you SAFE." However, I do wonder how big the "noticing" community is among MAGA folks.
Tom Homan (White House Border Czar) accused the Pope of hypocrisy for criticizing his mass deportation operations!
"Lemme give a message to the Pope guy. I'm a lifelong Catholic. I was born Catholic. I've been through Catholic doctrine."
"Look, he oughta concentrate on fixing the Catholic church."
"First of all, he's got big problems there."
"He ought to stick to the Catholic Church and fix that. That’s a mess."
Trump's Border Czar Fires Back At Pope Francis Over Deportation Plan
Quote:Anyone attempting to enter the Vatican illegally will face higher penalties in future. As the private Catholic media network CNA/EWTN reported on Thursday, the Holy See has significantly increased fines and prison sentences for those who violate the security regulations of the Vatican City State in a decree dated 19 December. The document signed by Cardinal Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, President of the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican City State, provides for fines of between 10,000 and 25,000 euros and prison sentences of one to four years.
Penalties for illegal border crossings into the Vatican significantly increased
Barnes & Noble sucking up to Trump. LOL.
Pres Trump: "I halted all IRS hiring. Maybe we should terminate or reassign the 88,000 IRS agents to border patrol duties."
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." – Thomas Sowell