Our dogman legend was centered in Paris Michigan north of my swamp. Some local disc-jockey recorded a novelty song about the dogman and that is supposedly how the whole urban legend began.
This was reported in a local newspaper in the spring of 1987. That year there was a claim that some animals attacked a cabin near the town of Luther Michigan. This was probably when that DJ recorded the dogman song.
Then there was the "Bray Road Beast" in nearby Wisconsin.
Related are the "shunka warak'in" and the French "loup-garou" that contribute to the legend in the region up north here abouts.
Quote:In 1937 or 1938, on the banks of the Muskegon River, near Paris, Mecosta County Michigan, a Cadillac man named Robert Fortney was attacked by a pack of wild dogs.
This was reported in a local newspaper in the spring of 1987. That year there was a claim that some animals attacked a cabin near the town of Luther Michigan. This was probably when that DJ recorded the dogman song.
Then there was the "Bray Road Beast" in nearby Wisconsin.
Quote:In 1936, two or three years before the Paris Michigan sighting, Mark Schackelman reportedly encountered a wolf-man on Highway 18, east of Jefferson, Wisconsin.
Related are the "shunka warak'in" and the French "loup-garou" that contribute to the legend in the region up north here abouts.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB