(01-10-2025, 08:08 PM)Chiefsmom Wrote:
That is a beautiful dog/hybrid!!!
Thank you, and yes he was! He got hi thicker fur, bushier tail, "wolf ruffs" of longer fur on his jowls, and apparently his feet, from his timber wolf pa. He also had the longer legs - relative to body length - of a wolf. He got the taller ears and narrower muzzle of a German shepherd from his ma. Also his white color - she was some sort of special breed of white German shepherd that had only recently even been recognized as a breed by the AKC.
I took him to the vet one time, and the vet, while examining him, said "this isn't a dog - it's a wolf!" So I said "yeah, about half. what tipped you off?" and the vet said it was his teeth. Apparently wolves also have bigger teeth than German shepherds.
I started to say "all the better to eat you with, my dear", but refrained because the vet was already freaked out enough...