G'day, gonna try explain "Seppo's". Being ex navy I was quite familiar with the term. Yes, 'septic tanks' were and still are quite common in Australia.
Before I go on I'll list a few types other than 'Seps'
Poms = Brits (I gotta Pommy mate, okay until it's his time to shout)
Slopes = Japanese (My mates a slope head, don't mess with him)
Curry Munchers = Indians (I lives next door to some curry munchers, They're fine. Shit at cricket)
Towel Heads = those of Middle Eastern persuasion (Me towel head mate looks after me. Gave me ten bucks)
Chinks = Chinese (I loves me some chink food, it's superb)
Eye Ties = Italian (Fine sorts, industrious)
Greeks = Woggies ( Make good for life mates)
French = Froggy (Of course)
Canadian = Kanucks (Ditto)
Dutch = Clog Wog (My True Love)
German = Boxhead ('Boxy cobber' who tries to understand Aussie humour)
Kiwi = New Zealander (Always got yer back)
And this list goes on. (I could continue but some may take offence if they haven't already) To have a mate of each is like winning the lottery. The terms are those of endearment. Historical. You gotta have mates like these. Australia being multicultural as it is. To have a nickname like these is a badge of honour. Especially at the pub. And is referred to as such without those taking offence, particularly if they themselves spruik 'Australians'. (And don't drink Fosters).
Which brings me to 'Seps' "Seppos' or Septic Tanks if you like. Term comes from WW2 where in Australia they were, "Over here, over paid and over sexed" (Brisbane riots and a fighting war with the seps refers). Some Aussie Ladies ( gentle sex) were 'infected?' Prior to this Americans were just Yanks. Which inevitably led to Aussie rhyming slang as 'septic tanks'. Later became 'Seppo's' in the Vietnam war and toned down to 'Seps' when I was ship based. "Who are those blokes in the funny hats and uniforms Chief?" "They're Seps Mate" "What are Seps? ....Chief." Subsequently I got an education.
Later in Hawaii I had a few Sep mates to add to my list of Pommy and Kanuck off siders.
Now, there may be disagreement as to my knowledge as to how the term originated but this is what was passed onto me inclusive from my father a vet of WW2. "Septics were bloody good blokes son."
There you go for what I know.
Loves yer all.
Bally )))) "Son of Captain Cook" as referred to by locals in the desert. That's my badge and as I replied, "Captain Cook was the first Aboriginal man to find Australia!!!" (Another story). Certainly made them think.
Before I go on I'll list a few types other than 'Seps'
Poms = Brits (I gotta Pommy mate, okay until it's his time to shout)
Slopes = Japanese (My mates a slope head, don't mess with him)
Curry Munchers = Indians (I lives next door to some curry munchers, They're fine. Shit at cricket)
Towel Heads = those of Middle Eastern persuasion (Me towel head mate looks after me. Gave me ten bucks)
Chinks = Chinese (I loves me some chink food, it's superb)
Eye Ties = Italian (Fine sorts, industrious)
Greeks = Woggies ( Make good for life mates)
French = Froggy (Of course)
Canadian = Kanucks (Ditto)
Dutch = Clog Wog (My True Love)
German = Boxhead ('Boxy cobber' who tries to understand Aussie humour)
Kiwi = New Zealander (Always got yer back)
And this list goes on. (I could continue but some may take offence if they haven't already) To have a mate of each is like winning the lottery. The terms are those of endearment. Historical. You gotta have mates like these. Australia being multicultural as it is. To have a nickname like these is a badge of honour. Especially at the pub. And is referred to as such without those taking offence, particularly if they themselves spruik 'Australians'. (And don't drink Fosters).
Which brings me to 'Seps' "Seppos' or Septic Tanks if you like. Term comes from WW2 where in Australia they were, "Over here, over paid and over sexed" (Brisbane riots and a fighting war with the seps refers). Some Aussie Ladies ( gentle sex) were 'infected?' Prior to this Americans were just Yanks. Which inevitably led to Aussie rhyming slang as 'septic tanks'. Later became 'Seppo's' in the Vietnam war and toned down to 'Seps' when I was ship based. "Who are those blokes in the funny hats and uniforms Chief?" "They're Seps Mate" "What are Seps? ....Chief." Subsequently I got an education.
Later in Hawaii I had a few Sep mates to add to my list of Pommy and Kanuck off siders.
Now, there may be disagreement as to my knowledge as to how the term originated but this is what was passed onto me inclusive from my father a vet of WW2. "Septics were bloody good blokes son."
There you go for what I know.
Loves yer all.
Bally )))) "Son of Captain Cook" as referred to by locals in the desert. That's my badge and as I replied, "Captain Cook was the first Aboriginal man to find Australia!!!" (Another story). Certainly made them think.