No replies yet? Well, I've been thinking.
To be fair, most things I plan on doing, I get done, and nobody is banging down the bathroom door during my morning constitutionals (usually). Things were far worse with cats, dogs, kids, and women milling around my abode, back in the day. Now it's just the pets, my old lady, and me.
Some activities are usually doomed from the start and as much as I'd like to believe those are the activities I actually want to engage in, it can be something I don't want to do that has to be done, like plumbing (God I hate plumbing).
Without further study and some statistical data, I am leaning toward the idea that Murphy's Law is more of a state of mind than a law of nature. A pessimistic attitude that has you expect the worst to happen in any situation.
Sure, things can and will go wrong eventually, but we normally expect everything to go without a hitch, so when things do go well, that's what we expect all the time. Then when things don't go as planned, it can seem like the world is out to get you and stop your simplest plans when it is just a one off and not actually par for the course.
ETA: I should offer at least one exception. As it seems that these things occur more at home than say at work or school or what have you. This is entirely possible if you have let things go around the house. So when you ignore a potential problem, or wrap it up with a band aid and forget about it, it may interrupt your day. Plumbing for instance, can't do the shit, shower and shave routine without it. These problems are like booby traps we set for ourselves, time bombs waiting to ruin our day, weekend or holiday.
To be fair, most things I plan on doing, I get done, and nobody is banging down the bathroom door during my morning constitutionals (usually). Things were far worse with cats, dogs, kids, and women milling around my abode, back in the day. Now it's just the pets, my old lady, and me.
Some activities are usually doomed from the start and as much as I'd like to believe those are the activities I actually want to engage in, it can be something I don't want to do that has to be done, like plumbing (God I hate plumbing).
Without further study and some statistical data, I am leaning toward the idea that Murphy's Law is more of a state of mind than a law of nature. A pessimistic attitude that has you expect the worst to happen in any situation.
Sure, things can and will go wrong eventually, but we normally expect everything to go without a hitch, so when things do go well, that's what we expect all the time. Then when things don't go as planned, it can seem like the world is out to get you and stop your simplest plans when it is just a one off and not actually par for the course.
ETA: I should offer at least one exception. As it seems that these things occur more at home than say at work or school or what have you. This is entirely possible if you have let things go around the house. So when you ignore a potential problem, or wrap it up with a band aid and forget about it, it may interrupt your day. Plumbing for instance, can't do the shit, shower and shave routine without it. These problems are like booby traps we set for ourselves, time bombs waiting to ruin our day, weekend or holiday.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB