If we consider the practical nature of the scientific method in making conclusions about reality, it would be great to have a similar method for matters involving faith or things that we can't yet comprehend. It all comes down to logic and reasoning but you can't recreate instances of faith or what might be considered a supernatural occurrence when you can't identify the variables involved.
I like fairy tales and I actually believe in the wee-folk, angels, and demons, and what have you, but until science catches up and can offer a testable explanation, it is all faith-based. If this is all in our heads, then the chemical, biological, and physical factors should be quantifiable and reproducible under controlled conditions. With government mind control experiments, I'm sure that have it figured out and aren't releasing that information to the public.
I like fairy tales and I actually believe in the wee-folk, angels, and demons, and what have you, but until science catches up and can offer a testable explanation, it is all faith-based. If this is all in our heads, then the chemical, biological, and physical factors should be quantifiable and reproducible under controlled conditions. With government mind control experiments, I'm sure that have it figured out and aren't releasing that information to the public.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB