I thank you once again Flicker.
I enjoy the company inside the crazy closet. I have been afraid I will begin to believe either I am a candidate for the Happy Ranch or that everyone else is insane and I am the only sane one left. Sane, insane, or somewhere in between, at least I know someone who has some of these same thoughts.
ETA: This statement you made, "I just want the truth. No matter what that is, as long as it's the Truth", should be the motto of my protagonist, it is the driving force of his journey. It has begun to occur to me that honesty is not the best policy and that it would make things so much easier if I lie about what I feel and think just to go along to get along. If I did that though, I would be the most miserable and lonely person in a room full of everyone I know.
I enjoy the company inside the crazy closet. I have been afraid I will begin to believe either I am a candidate for the Happy Ranch or that everyone else is insane and I am the only sane one left. Sane, insane, or somewhere in between, at least I know someone who has some of these same thoughts.
ETA: This statement you made, "I just want the truth. No matter what that is, as long as it's the Truth", should be the motto of my protagonist, it is the driving force of his journey. It has begun to occur to me that honesty is not the best policy and that it would make things so much easier if I lie about what I feel and think just to go along to get along. If I did that though, I would be the most miserable and lonely person in a room full of everyone I know.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB