Well then Flicker of Light, thanks and I'll have to watch that video now and try that link.
Damn it all for what I may have stumbled into if this turns out to be more than a mental exercise for a writing project.
Holy crap!
That video was great! Thanks!
I knew that all of this must have been discussed long ago and many times over. Some really good arguments right out of the gate it seems.
It is all very complicated and so simple in a way, but logic and reason rules and there is a good case to be made.
This explains why I feel like a New Testament Christian and like the teaching of Christ, but question the apostles' versions.
This will help resolve things, this is really useful. Now, how to build up the tension before the climax of my story. This gives me a lot to think about and a way to move forward. I can't thank you enough.
Damn it all for what I may have stumbled into if this turns out to be more than a mental exercise for a writing project.
Holy crap!
That video was great! Thanks!
I knew that all of this must have been discussed long ago and many times over. Some really good arguments right out of the gate it seems.
It is all very complicated and so simple in a way, but logic and reason rules and there is a good case to be made.
This explains why I feel like a New Testament Christian and like the teaching of Christ, but question the apostles' versions.
This will help resolve things, this is really useful. Now, how to build up the tension before the climax of my story. This gives me a lot to think about and a way to move forward. I can't thank you enough.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB