I just want to add that people have invested so much in their beliefs and hold them so tightly that their reaction is they ignore, deny, or argue from every angle possible to either prove this idea wrong or convince you that their perspective is the correct one. This idea I have been putting forth is so universally opposed, that this seems to get to the core of something that disturbs almost everyone. That disturbance is worth studying for my purposes and this subject works quite well. It would be even better if I find similarly disturbing ideas that can be woven into this one.
This resistance, this refusal to give such an idea any consideration, the anger and other emotions that are involved, are very important aspects of what I am striving for.
This resistance, this refusal to give such an idea any consideration, the anger and other emotions that are involved, are very important aspects of what I am striving for.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB