(12-12-2024, 02:18 PM)ancientlight Wrote: Yes, it includes the backrooms. I've seen a game on steam I think, that was based around liminal spaces.
If it wasn't for my current mental health status, I'd be interested in buying it.
For some reason I'm DRAWN towards liminal spaces/backrooms.
Maybe it's part nostalgia , or part of wanting to be somewhere timeless?
It does not creep me out in the least, though I suspect many are.
Are you referring to the physical liminal spaces?
I have had a fascination with liminal spaces long before I heard of it. I have always like Salvador Dali's surreal landscapes and others like them. In some of my dreams, the liminality is apparent. In real life or in my dreams I have this attraction to desolate places that are mostly void of life. Silent and sterile where I am one of the few, usually next to a large and deep body of dark still water. I can go only so far on land and never far into the water that may harbor something large and dangerous.
Stephen King's The Langoliers miniseries (1995) did a great job with the concept of liminal spaces IMO. Way ahead of the curve with that story.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB