Well, you summarized that very well, except the following . . .
"Only a dick god would create that.
God isnt a dick.
Man is..."
So, regardless of God and what was created, man is somehow to blame, therefore essentially we deserve what we get. Of course, I believe that you are talking about how man had made up these stories to control others and these stories became our religious faith. So man is the dick in all this and God doesn't catch any of the blame as none of that is part of his creation.
Did I understand you correctly?
"Only a dick god would create that.
God isnt a dick.
Man is..."
So, regardless of God and what was created, man is somehow to blame, therefore essentially we deserve what we get. Of course, I believe that you are talking about how man had made up these stories to control others and these stories became our religious faith. So man is the dick in all this and God doesn't catch any of the blame as none of that is part of his creation.
Did I understand you correctly?
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB