Excellent stuff Flicker. I like your vision of existence.
The thing is, why all this? If God can create a multi-verse and keep everything in perfect balance, why must things be so difficult for us created beings? Why are these lessons necessary? Why is our experience so intense and needed to teach us anything?
Tough love? Maybe we did something really bad to deserve this torture. Or maybe God and the angelic host think of humans like we think of plants and animals, produce and livestock in particular. The only difference is we are just smart enough to realize more than our existence and that something else is going on.
If God and the heaven world are perfect and the opposite of our mortal existence, it sure makes life on Earth look like a living hell to me, just temporary (maybe). With no real proof of life after death and the existence of an eternal soul, we are just meat-puppets or even less than that, if looked at from a materialistic perspective only.
The thing is, why all this? If God can create a multi-verse and keep everything in perfect balance, why must things be so difficult for us created beings? Why are these lessons necessary? Why is our experience so intense and needed to teach us anything?
Tough love? Maybe we did something really bad to deserve this torture. Or maybe God and the angelic host think of humans like we think of plants and animals, produce and livestock in particular. The only difference is we are just smart enough to realize more than our existence and that something else is going on.
If God and the heaven world are perfect and the opposite of our mortal existence, it sure makes life on Earth look like a living hell to me, just temporary (maybe). With no real proof of life after death and the existence of an eternal soul, we are just meat-puppets or even less than that, if looked at from a materialistic perspective only.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB