Actually Ninurta, I have been going over the Biblical passages that contain descriptions of heaven and hell, and separation from God is a part of it or also what is called the second death, or in other words, complete non-existence.
I'm not searching for truth or any answers to deep philosophical questions, just proposing a conspiracy theory of sorts, that we have the whole God and the devil relationship backward. What God said was "good" back in the beginning was propaganda as was the devil's motivations as told in the popular story.
I like to think of it as being the ultimate Devil's advocate. Also, the way everything gets politicized these days, why the hell not?
I'm not searching for truth or any answers to deep philosophical questions, just proposing a conspiracy theory of sorts, that we have the whole God and the devil relationship backward. What God said was "good" back in the beginning was propaganda as was the devil's motivations as told in the popular story.
I like to think of it as being the ultimate Devil's advocate. Also, the way everything gets politicized these days, why the hell not?
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB