I haven't had much activity on this forum for this thread. The other two forums are rolling right along.
There aren't too many people who are open-minded enough to try and understand what I am doing. Admittedly this subject is troll-worthy and will get a lot of folks riled up for what they may see as an attack on their most personally held beliefs about reality. Others may believe I've finally gone off the deep end, while others may believe I am demonically influenced and will avoid me at all costs.
I must say, that when people accept some belief system related to the human condition, a faith-based belief system particularly, they will stick to their guns and and give you both barrels full of propaganda and apologetics. Often they will have a mish-mash of beliefs that run the full gambit and no amount of clearly stated facts or solid arguments will sway them. Quite often these type continue to repeat their talking points or retreat with excuses like, "I can see you have made your mind up" so they don't have to wander outside of their boxes.
Also, people will stray away from this topic and offer almost anything to counter it. I was begging for scripture from any source and got a little of that, but what I wanted is to approach this from the Biblical perspective primarily. I also wanted some cold hard "scientific" facts and solid logical arguments based on past work in this area. In a way, I'd like to pit the two against each other.
So few can understand this and sadly, I am sure if I posted that last comment above on the other two forums no one wouldn't get it even then. I am thinking more and more that no matter how clearly and completely I explain myself in proper English sentences, even with source links and quotes, that people only see what they want to see and have a kind of selective reading comprehension due to personal biases.
ETA: It may be a kind of ADD where people's attention span and comprehension are limited, likely due to social media and on demand content.
There aren't too many people who are open-minded enough to try and understand what I am doing. Admittedly this subject is troll-worthy and will get a lot of folks riled up for what they may see as an attack on their most personally held beliefs about reality. Others may believe I've finally gone off the deep end, while others may believe I am demonically influenced and will avoid me at all costs.
I must say, that when people accept some belief system related to the human condition, a faith-based belief system particularly, they will stick to their guns and and give you both barrels full of propaganda and apologetics. Often they will have a mish-mash of beliefs that run the full gambit and no amount of clearly stated facts or solid arguments will sway them. Quite often these type continue to repeat their talking points or retreat with excuses like, "I can see you have made your mind up" so they don't have to wander outside of their boxes.
Also, people will stray away from this topic and offer almost anything to counter it. I was begging for scripture from any source and got a little of that, but what I wanted is to approach this from the Biblical perspective primarily. I also wanted some cold hard "scientific" facts and solid logical arguments based on past work in this area. In a way, I'd like to pit the two against each other.
So few can understand this and sadly, I am sure if I posted that last comment above on the other two forums no one wouldn't get it even then. I am thinking more and more that no matter how clearly and completely I explain myself in proper English sentences, even with source links and quotes, that people only see what they want to see and have a kind of selective reading comprehension due to personal biases.
ETA: It may be a kind of ADD where people's attention span and comprehension are limited, likely due to social media and on demand content.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB