I had mentioned the idea that we are born innocent and have instinctual knowledge of right and wrong. If I were to take this evil creation theory to its logical conclusion, then that idea is wrong. As a created being, I must have been created as evil, therefore, my sinful nature is, natural. Why do we pretend that our perception of good and evil, just and unjust, is how it is meant to be?
It keeps coming back to being social animals and encouraging certain behaviors that benefit our survival as a species. This relates to the selfish gene theory, survival and procreation by any means necessary to perpetuate the species. This is our main struggle as mortal beings in this reality.
In another forum, I made the statement that I believed the emotion of love was a dirty trick nature plays on humanity to make us procreate. A member suggested I was equating love with the sex drive alone, so I countered with this comment.
Maybe I was a little over the top with the cannibal part.
It keeps coming back to being social animals and encouraging certain behaviors that benefit our survival as a species. This relates to the selfish gene theory, survival and procreation by any means necessary to perpetuate the species. This is our main struggle as mortal beings in this reality.
In another forum, I made the statement that I believed the emotion of love was a dirty trick nature plays on humanity to make us procreate. A member suggested I was equating love with the sex drive alone, so I countered with this comment.
Quote:Certainly love in all its forms isn't the sex drive. However, it is a survival trait for social animals like humans and aids in the perpetuation of the species. It is similar to how humans react to cute little helpless infants, unless you're a cannibal.
Maybe I was a little over the top with the cannibal part.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB