Reincarnation, I hadn't even gotten into that one yet. I'll quote my late Grandmother here,
"This life, one more, and then what?"
I have entertained reincarnation, and that would be just as bad as eternal damnation. If true, think of all the fools who believe they are getting out of the mess they made here during their selfish lives when they die.
Also, I can't understand how learning anything while alive can apply to an afterlife. It has to be apples and oranges here. Heaven, Hell, and mortal existence are all very different conditions.
Yes, it is dangerous from a number of perspectives and madness is a likely result. I'm foolish for exploring this topic but it relates to a creative writing project I'm working on. The big climax is a conversation with Asmodeus, so I will continue on.
ETA: As a side note, I heat my home with a small wood stove I need to tend to constantly. So the idea of Hell as a place of fire seems really comforting in the freezing cold weather of a Michigan winter.
"This life, one more, and then what?"
I have entertained reincarnation, and that would be just as bad as eternal damnation. If true, think of all the fools who believe they are getting out of the mess they made here during their selfish lives when they die.
Also, I can't understand how learning anything while alive can apply to an afterlife. It has to be apples and oranges here. Heaven, Hell, and mortal existence are all very different conditions.
Quote:As I'm sure you're aware this philosophy topic can drive one mad! And many have gone stark raving mad. So, I keep good 'ole humor on a short leash.
Yes, it is dangerous from a number of perspectives and madness is a likely result. I'm foolish for exploring this topic but it relates to a creative writing project I'm working on. The big climax is a conversation with Asmodeus, so I will continue on.
ETA: As a side note, I heat my home with a small wood stove I need to tend to constantly. So the idea of Hell as a place of fire seems really comforting in the freezing cold weather of a Michigan winter.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB