(11-24-2024, 01:42 PM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: Now, if you liked the cosmic heat engine theory, that came from the idea of the Big Bang as entertainment. Creation as a cosmic firework display for God and the heavenly host. Being behind the front wave of the bang, we are part of the dying embers and smoke cooling off and burning out in the breeze.
Very interesting, and neat the way you worded it.
If so, then we are very complex smoldering embers, on there way to fizzling out.
That does make God seem evil, when considered as a possibility.
If this were true......I'd break bad. Completely and relentlessly. Then I'd destroy everything I saw.
Just to be a dick back.

I believe we are loved way more than that. I believe we are more special to God than his angels. I see us as little babies in God's eyes. Little babies he is teaching to talk and walk and navigate his creation. This is a learning experience through and through.
That's what I feel.
(11-24-2024, 02:05 PM)F2d5thCav Wrote: For MSB--Eyes that see....
Quote:This is not how a kind and gentle father treats his children.
I don't have any special knowledge, but I doubt that anthropomorphizing God will lend much clarity. Creation is on a scale we cannot comprehend and the purpose of it ... yeah.
Quote:we would literally be in hell, just played out as different people one after the other.
The philosophy of the Cathars may be of use here. They firmly believed the material world was Hell and a realm ruled by Satan. The exalted realm is spiritual, and our spiritual strivings here are attempts to exit the material world forever and remain in the spiritual realm.
They live.
We sleep.
We sleep.