(11-24-2024, 02:30 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: Look at our reality, we are born due to countless generations of death and destruction only to struggle through our mortal existence in order to kill and destroy even more of creation to survive and reproduce, only to die and leave a legacy of death and destruction in our offspring.
We live a life of pain and temptation, we hunger, we thirst, we get sick, we die. All of this is the opposite of what we are promised in heaven. Sounds like hell to me already, and now the end of the world? What did we do to deserve all this? What evil are we guilty of to have to live a mortal existence such as we have? Rebelling against such things sounds pretty righteous to me.
With Biblical prophecy playing out before our eyes, it is only making me think that God isn't the benign heavenly father that we have been fooled into believing he is.
Couldn't agree more.
If the world were to actually end, and we were to stand before the kingdom of Heaven and before our Father and all the Angelic hosts, it is in this moment we will realize we have been in hell.
I want to look back and see that I built up, and not torn down. I've learned from this rough existence that giving is better than receiving. If I am to have this experience then I'd like to leave a trail or goodness behind me. All this destruction death greed and lust just isn't for me. It never has been.
If this all ends, and as people who believe in Christ, believe in the promises of His Word and the eternal glory, and True peace and harmony with Yeshua ad our King, then as His followers we know that it is not this world that we are to cling to. I was raised to believe in a rapture that was supposed to save us from the coming doom. I've believed that coming doom to be WW3 ever since I was little. Hell, we were all groomed for it, hiding under our desks incase of nuclear war, or war in general (like that was going to save any of us). Needless to say, yeah....I've been mentally prepared for a while now. To watch things unfold, and the way it's lining up with The Word, and especially with all this mind control has been used on every generationreading this(plus the technology), it's making Revelation and all it's symbology make sense.
As I look back on the last 48 years, and all that I've seen in my lifetime, and all I know about the generations before me, and seeing this weird turn from boomer to gen z, and now A, all that's happened just in that amount of time is mind blowing. The acceleration of everything alone is a huge indicator. I think of the tower of Babel, and how the world was working together and building that tower, and how God separated the people. The internet has brought us all back to language no longer being an issue; not to mention how we can all talk from different parts of the world all at once. As we've processed forward we've also processed backwards to those days of Babel. We've reached the heavens by going to the Moon, and now they're shooting for multi-planetary life. With AI, and things like quantum computing and the Cerns collider they are now shooting for interdimensional travel, and existence.
There's no way God is going to let that go much further. Imo From the scriptures, and the symbology within Revelation and all end times prophecy (you should read the banned books) then we are truly at the end.
But, as Christians this is what we have been waiting for, singing about in church, and glorifying God about. Evil will be punished, bit only after an Armageddon war between the Light and the dark.
I choose the Light. Always have. Many people see this as war mongering. I see it as, our Lord is going to return soon.....as Promised.
I'm stoked about it.
Having to live out WW3 does not sound fun for any of us. Hopefully it won't drag out too long, if it does actually pop off. A swift end would be better than starving to death, I can promise ya that. But, all this greed and want for full power and dominance of the whole world will soon backfire on itself.
If you believe in something like the Illuminati, or at least look through those eyes of a possibility, you can see how they've actually orchestrated this whole thing, starting at about the late 1800s to the early 1900s (about 1903 it looks like their plans were in full action). They won the battle for the mind. Most of the world has been fooled into some lie or another.
The Truth wasn't easy to find at all! It had been hidden under a mountain of lies. That devil sure did appear like an angel of light, didn't he?
May God have mercy on us all.
He will. The God I've come to know definitely isn't as cruel and heartless as the people who have been blaspheming his Name, and controlling others through fear of hell. This was never the way to spread "The Good News."
Judgment is reserved for that.
I think man will just destroy itself, along with this creation.
It'll all be fixed though. "It is finished."
If they do drop nukes anywhere near me, then I hope I'm right under it.

(11-24-2024, 01:39 AM)Bally002 Wrote:(11-23-2024, 08:31 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote:(11-23-2024, 08:09 PM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I have been watching this develop since my interest in Biblical prophecy began around the time I was ten years old in the mid-70s. It must have been about 30 years ago when the Bible prophecies began to make sense to me and now it is playing out just as I thought it would. Revelation is tough reading and I used to get lost in the imagery, but when you look at all of the end-time prophecies and put them together, the symbolic imagery becomes clear.
The big turning point for me was seven years ago when the spirit spoke very clearly that this was the beginning of the end times. When I looked into it, I discovered this one, the Book of Revelation chapter 12 Sign occurred on September 23, 2017.
I concur. I'm seeing it through the same eyes; and yep, it's as clear as a bell. The fact that most don't see it, is another clue that we are right in the middle of all that prophecy.
A third world War
A third temple built.
Antichrist takes the stage.
I've had these three in the back of my mind most of my adult life.
I'm betting I see all of it in my lifetime. In some form or fashion.
My call here is for prayer, and preparedness of mind....not panic. There is nothing we can do, but have faith.
I have a bad feeling that this is about to get much much worse, in a short amount of time.
For it all to just dissappear, and we all go back to "peace" seems like way more of a stretch of a possibility.
If someone really did pull off "world peace" at this stage, I would wonder if that person was the "Antichrist." And, I'm sore you know that I'm taking Biblical scriptures to come to that conclusion.
What's the weirdest to me is how the MSM here in the states is barely covering any of it; Majorly down playing it all.
My take on this. The situ certainly aligns with prophecies. (if that's the correct spelling.) I feel relatively safe. (Not a surety) I live in an area surrounded by hills with a mountain range to the west and ocean (a distance away to the east.) Won't protect me from the elements perhaps following a MAD up in the Northern hemisphere, but, I have contingencies in place. Where I live is not an Australian Nuclear target. Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane are a few hours away. Others like Pine Gap and the NW headland. I think living in a range area that is not any where near military targets is an option to survive and develop strategies late to survive. If I fail well so be it.
I've made my peace with the Lord and I ask him to protect my 'Truey' and children who have not been baptised whom I'm sure haven't committed any major sins. They are all progressing in their own indomitable way.
If this progresses and occurs I will miss my conversation with all my mates here.
In my mind I think this will not happen and we'll all be still here. I get very little social contact.
I am now exposed. haha.
Kind regards as always and for a peaceful future and a joyous Christmas,
Bally and Truey.
Fear has been the tool of control. It has controlled me the vast majority of my life.
Recently I chose to no longer live in any fear. I've accepted I have nothing to fear. If struggles come then they will only serve to strengthen me in some way, or to nudge me into progressing forward.
It was recently, within the last year or so that I came to what the Bible refers to as "long-suffering." The last of the fruits of the Spirit.
"To suffer with grace," I think is a good way to see that.
Whatever the Lord throws our way, it is meant to be, and we are meant to go through it. Fortunately a better place is on the other side, where we will all be socializing and living "happily ever after."
I say, let the elites blow there fortunes up. So be it.
I live on the east coast of the United States. There are 4 military bases right near me. This has always been known as a high target area.
I'm glad you too know our Lord. It's awesome how we can think about things like war and the end of the world, and still have peace about it.
As far as our loved ones who may of not known the Lord in this life, and have not committed any "eternal sin" then I believe "love covers a multitude of sin," and the same love that forgave us, will forgive them. Luckily there is only one "unforgivable sin."
Even if, say ww3 breaks out, everything is destroyed, then we still have the 1000 year reign (if we haven't already lived it through reincarnation). God's mercy still extends beyond the "end of the world."
Even though my life has been rough, I am still glad I lived it, and have seen what I've seen, and learned what I've learned along the way.
If this escalates any further we are in for a long winter here, and a long summer (if I'm not mistaken)for you. We'll see. Putting is chattering it up right now. More than I've ever seen. North Korea will start in even more soon, I believe. China will make a move too.
We've all been predicting this for a while now. Maybe we'll get a curve ball instead.
(11-24-2024, 01:54 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: Yes, keep the faith, it's all we have left. But perhaps faith is what has me questioning all this and what makes me angry with God. I've had some serious talks with The Almighty and have had sympathy for the Devil lately. I have given deep consideration to his war with God and how a third of the angels sided with Satan. Who is really here to free you and what are they freeing you from?
The nature of creation and our mortal existence makes me wonder about the true character of God and his adversary. I will go even further and say that if our lives are some kind of purity test, it's like a USDA inspection before we are included on the heavenly menu.
Maybe that last bit was too extreme. What I am coming to believe is that the whole purpose of creation is like an engine that provides power to the heavenly realm. All forms of energy are there resisting the pressure of the frozen singularly outside of the space/time bubble created by the big band when God said, "Let there be light". The constant storing, mixing, and release of energy is just a heat engine that keeps the universe expanding until it cools down to absolute zero and time stops. We are just tiny parts of a cosmic machine that serves God's purpose. Maybe Lucifer understood how God used humanity and all life in his creation without regard for our pitiful condition and his rebellion was on our behalf, to free us from the hell on Earth that God's creation is to us struggling mortals.
Funny, but I had come to the same sympathy for the devil not too long ago...
Great thoughts on this.
I wonder though, where did you come up for the idea that we are simply hamsters on a wheel to keep God's heat on? (My metaphorical interpretation of your words)
That's an interesting thought, and not sure one I've heard before.
I wondered of we are all angels that fell with lucifer and this is a chance to see what the devils kingdom would actually be like, since that s what the devil was shooting for. To rule. Well, he's had his time, and maybe we fell with him, and this is God's mercy to allow us to continue on in these flesh prisons, in this material world, to yes, see if we choose what is good and pure, or if we choose what is evil instead.
One last chance for the fallen angels to repent?
Maybe there are other planets out there that weren't "cursed" and are whole planets that are garden of Edens. Maybe we are one of the only ones to have been cursed?
Why else would God trap us here with Satan and all his fallen angels? To learn good and evil¿
That's one theory I've come up with recently. I've pondered many different theories on it.
They live.
We sleep.
We sleep.