Yes, keep the faith, it's all we have left. But perhaps faith is what has me questioning all this and what makes me angry with God. I've had some serious talks with The Almighty and have had sympathy for the Devil lately. I have given deep consideration to his war with God and how a third of the angels sided with Satan. Who is really here to free you and what are they freeing you from?
The nature of creation and our mortal existence makes me wonder about the true character of God and his adversary. I will go even further and say that if our lives are some kind of purity test, it's like a USDA inspection before we are included on the heavenly menu.
Maybe that last bit was too extreme. What I am coming to believe is that the whole purpose of creation is like an engine that provides power to the heavenly realm. All forms of energy are there resisting the pressure of the frozen singularly outside of the space/time bubble created by the big band when God said, "Let there be light". The constant storing, mixing, and release of energy is just a heat engine that keeps the universe expanding until it cools down to absolute zero and time stops. We are just tiny parts of a cosmic machine that serves God's purpose. Maybe Lucifer understood how God used humanity and all life in his creation without regard for our pitiful condition and his rebellion was on our behalf, to free us from the hell on Earth that God's creation is to us struggling mortals.
The nature of creation and our mortal existence makes me wonder about the true character of God and his adversary. I will go even further and say that if our lives are some kind of purity test, it's like a USDA inspection before we are included on the heavenly menu.
Maybe that last bit was too extreme. What I am coming to believe is that the whole purpose of creation is like an engine that provides power to the heavenly realm. All forms of energy are there resisting the pressure of the frozen singularly outside of the space/time bubble created by the big band when God said, "Let there be light". The constant storing, mixing, and release of energy is just a heat engine that keeps the universe expanding until it cools down to absolute zero and time stops. We are just tiny parts of a cosmic machine that serves God's purpose. Maybe Lucifer understood how God used humanity and all life in his creation without regard for our pitiful condition and his rebellion was on our behalf, to free us from the hell on Earth that God's creation is to us struggling mortals.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB