As 727Sky said, "all things in moderation, padawan".
Salt is a vital necessity for life. So, you can't cut it out of th diet altogether. But also, as the article on benefits of salt against most cancers observes, EXCESSIVE salt can be pretty dangerous, too.
For those mentioning anecdotal tales of " So-and-so ate a LOT of salt, and died of cancer anyhow", I can add tt my Dear Old Dad was a saltaholic, and died of esophageal cancer in 1998. The article does mention that excessive salt intake has some deleterious side effects, one of which is stomach cancer, which is close enough to the esophagus for government work as far as I'm concerned. That does not negate the potential benefits of NOT excessive salt in cancer treatments. There is a distinct possibility that it has use in some forms of cancer and not others, just as other medical treatments will work against some maladies, but not others.
Alcohol kills bacteria in small amounts... but it can kill YOU too in excessive amounts. Same substance, but varying results depending on intake parameters.
I think folks who cut salt out of their diet entirely are at as great a risk as folks who eat too much of it. Their electrolyte levels plummet, and that has bad implications for things like nerve impulse transmission and T cell health.
Denying ALL science simply because it is some times, frequently, being misused for political ends is also a dangerous thing. it's like throwing the baby out with the bath water. One has to evaluate the claims being made, as well as the methods used to reach those conclusions, before deciding for one's self whether it is valid science or a political machination. It's sad that the state of modern science has come to that, but it has, and we have to deal with it.
There is the very real possibility that "they" are perverting science in some instances in order to get folks to mistrust it in ALL instances, and then when one does that, they are falling right into the trap none the wisser that they have been purposely manipulated.
Salt is a vital necessity for life. So, you can't cut it out of th diet altogether. But also, as the article on benefits of salt against most cancers observes, EXCESSIVE salt can be pretty dangerous, too.
For those mentioning anecdotal tales of " So-and-so ate a LOT of salt, and died of cancer anyhow", I can add tt my Dear Old Dad was a saltaholic, and died of esophageal cancer in 1998. The article does mention that excessive salt intake has some deleterious side effects, one of which is stomach cancer, which is close enough to the esophagus for government work as far as I'm concerned. That does not negate the potential benefits of NOT excessive salt in cancer treatments. There is a distinct possibility that it has use in some forms of cancer and not others, just as other medical treatments will work against some maladies, but not others.
Alcohol kills bacteria in small amounts... but it can kill YOU too in excessive amounts. Same substance, but varying results depending on intake parameters.
I think folks who cut salt out of their diet entirely are at as great a risk as folks who eat too much of it. Their electrolyte levels plummet, and that has bad implications for things like nerve impulse transmission and T cell health.
Denying ALL science simply because it is some times, frequently, being misused for political ends is also a dangerous thing. it's like throwing the baby out with the bath water. One has to evaluate the claims being made, as well as the methods used to reach those conclusions, before deciding for one's self whether it is valid science or a political machination. It's sad that the state of modern science has come to that, but it has, and we have to deal with it.
There is the very real possibility that "they" are perverting science in some instances in order to get folks to mistrust it in ALL instances, and then when one does that, they are falling right into the trap none the wisser that they have been purposely manipulated.